Jul 17, 2002 16:43
QCS, i lauhg at you
i mock you
you with your big ugly and your nothing nothing nothing( meh dords, member that scary play woman, with her weird russian accent, actually come to think of it, shes a champ, i wanna be her
i wannabe eh
that fully reminds me of this weird child from like yr 4, his name was heath and he used to always say, i'm gonna do this, i'm gonna do that
so people used to call him gonnado
i wonder if they was a payout
i think poor heathie was a payout to himself, with his odd odd odd adventuresof forming a skipping club and a knitting business
i was in that skipping club, it was rad
cept i dunno how we ever drummed up interest, cos when i look back on it, how gay was that skipping club
but......come to think of it, i think heath himself may have been gay
still he was a nice if a .....tad strange young lad
QCS, quuensland core skills test
i'll agreee with the queensland cos it seems to be, much to my dismay wherei am residing
bu core, its a stupid word, its like they thouhgt, well we've gotta make it sound important, so they got out a dictionary , flipped open a page and pointed to a word
core, i mena really what does it mean
apparently it meant to menat something everyone hasta do or something like but seriously,how can it mena that
why an apple core is called an apple core?
so words are so stupid like, key board,
who decided that little square buttons where called keys? and why is that same word usd to describe a piece of meta;l inserted into your car of house or locker? who deiuced with something square was called square, its freaky though, its all drummed into us like a weird cult or something, like when i try to describe a square the only word i have for it is.....square, but why why why
why was S-Q-U-A-R-E put together, why would they see a square and say, let put these words together and call it a square
it freaks me out
it is some insane cult, its dirty and ugly
seriosuly, i feel quick sick in my stomach, its like all these dirty intellegient guys just deicded everything for us and now its so sunk in we have no way to descibe any other object we see
seee see seeeseee see what that uglu gendi gendi gendi gendi QCS has done to me!
it made me ask like a dickie bird
seriosuly thouhg
no longer can i stand the cold brezzels of the gymnasium, with me sitting right next to the dorr so every passing air ventilation hits me full force
and all that silence and ticking and tapping
i have to urge to scream
the teachers pacing round
and thne that odd odd odd copeland boy just HASTA be my nect door desk neighbour and he goes to sleep on the desk facing me and even when his eyes are closed they are still open, they are ever staring, they cna pierce throuhg his eye lids
he has such snakey eyes
i mean i know they are just piecing blue but they are not pretty piercing blue
o dear i don't wanna go to speeech
cos it will be cold
but i don't wanna put a jacket on
or proper clothes
and i don't wanna hafta stop inot work and see that weird weird new boy working their cos he doens't know who i am and he'll treat me like a customer when i come in and then when i'm signing for my pay i will hafta make conversation which i really don't feel like AT ALL
not at all
its evil
yet i wanna go to speech so we can do our weird hilarious group improvisations
they are all such dirty rats but i love em
do you reckonit would be bad to be permanently pissed
i mena, when people are alcoholics everyone is like, ohh ahh they are bad
but i kena what if you were drinking alot but you weren't like abusive or mena just happy and crazy, wpould it really be so bad
or mabbe its cos people are all like, your ridiculou when you are drunk
but if EVERYONE was permanently pissed then everyone would be ridiculous and there would be no right or wrong thing to say
or mabbe its cos some people think its dangerous but is everyone was pissed and being good pissed there would be no crime so you could just roam around and you wouldn't ever have to worry about waking upmin the morning and feeling embarassed or ashamed
i dunno, its just lately, i feel i need that permanently intoxicated feeling to enjoy stuff
i feel like i'm not enjoyig everything enough
like everything is slipping away and it my falut that i'm not enjoying ti wnougha d i'm like hey enjoy enjoy enjoy everyday but you can't and then it will be your fault if you look back with regrets
sometimes i wish that i could jsut stya in yr 12 forever, without all the work and everything
but its just that fear, like fear of whats to come
like, i dunno if i handle brisbane cos lets face it, i'm pretty sheltered up here on th coast
like that weird space in eam block that your in school at different times from other people and then you go home and you do nothing with those days cos other people are busy or its just the wrong kinda week to do something so you do nothing
i have this horrible fear that thats what univeristy will be like and i swear i wouldn't be able to handle it
thats why leaving the country is good
its soo gendi thouhg i just wanna go out and have like a proper job now, but its so gay cos you hafta go through all those years of uni first but you just wanna start your life now
i'll get over it
how good is the song flat top, its my speaker spesh
and that song carry on
i dunno what it is but like that like weird syntheised violin bit or whatever it is really gets me
and like its the same thing weiht bittersweet symphony that orchestra bit, its like makes me feel weird
but it not cos i like orchestra music or anything, i actually like hate it and all that classical shit so why does it get me so much
the world is an odd odd place and mabbe i am just worsening it by questionung everything
msn is fuck fuck as ben would say
its gendi, its not even working