I've just ordered one of these of the interwebs! :D
Its a personal hobby style screen/pad style printer. I saw that peskimo had done some limited prints with one of these and also Maz has printed onto some of her plushies with her Gocco so i looked em up.
Hopefully it will be here within 5 days from japan *fingers crossed*. This will add loads of options for me to be creative with! i can properly print my own little boxes for my Ozzel bears. Print little business card stlye things for them. Print stickers. Print header cards. Also the one i've ordered has the packs to print on material so i can hopefully make t-shirts with it as well!
Its only small really as you can see on the above photo but you can print stuff like this (peskimo flickr)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/peskimo/449269167/in/photostream/ And heres a link to some of maz's stuff :
http://www.vinylabuse.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3529 This has kicked off again because on sunday me and Roz started experimenting with making a plushie version of the Ozzel bear. The first test was okay but the material was wrong. Roz went to dunhelm mills earlier and bought some fleece and stuffing and has made 2 proper plushies this morning!! I've seen some photos from her phone and they look tops!!! We are gonna try and make some more tonight.
I went to Games Workshop yesterday and bought some more paint to do 2 new colours of the monochrome version of the Ozzel. And i started sanding down one of them.
Also i made a little bag of pin-badges last night while watching some xfiles after i did some work on my car.
So i've been pretty busy and getting super excited with all the little things going on with this project!! This Riso Gocco machine will be ace i think and add a nice finish to the figures! :oD