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Jul 09, 2007 10:36

had a brilliant weekend!!! its been so good!

friday afternoon i headed to subway and got my lunch, footlong italian BMT toasted! KAPOW! awesome sandwich! spoke about website stuff with matto then headed up to glynns for the afternoon. Drunk copious cups of tea, got made fun of by his mom, roon came round, then we headed to mine and me, glynn, keg and anna watched Saw III. Was a good night!! i was well tired though so thankfully it was fairly early (midnight) so i wouldnt be too zombified for the weekend

Saturday i got a bit of a lie in then went to nottingham to pick up my comics with Rozzy. I was really surprised she came into Travelling Man with me haha and she even checked out some of the comics while i was paying for my pile o picture books. We wandered around notts all afternoon and drank fresh banana milkshake and aero mint milkshakes from a really cool little milkshake shop. Gonna go there again next time im in nottingham!!

We nipped back to roz's to pick some stuff up then nipped home to see my mum and have a cuppa.

Went back to the flat where I cooked some Bacon sammiches YUM! Bacon sarnies while watching The Forgotten. good stuff! Then in the evening me, roz, anna, nat, rob and jon hung out in the flat for abit before going to the bar cus keg was djing. It was ace! the girls hung out in the kitchen while me, rob and jon hung out in the front room drinking and laughing at issues of Twisted Toyfare Theatre. What better way is there to spend a saturday night i ask you!?! If you've not seen them i highly recommend checking them out! they are a little expensive but really really funny! http://community.livejournal.com/scans_daily/tag/twisted+toyfare+theatre

So we head of to the bar and not 10 minutes of being there and im assaulted by some drunk 'hair dresser' who messed my hair up more than it was. It was funny though because she was so wasted and spent the night dancing like some pole dancer hahaha we may have done a few impressions of her and her mate. at one point while she was trying to wear the crouch out of some guy they both fell over onto their backs right in the middle of the floor! we're all laughing and next second i look again and kate is sitting on top of both of them waving her arms in the air hahaha.

Kate, Rich (roz's older bro) and Alistair (another one of her brothers) had turned up from ramp night at the snowdome. it was so funny watching them giving Muz a couple of wedges..i've not seen the wedgie actually being lifted a foot off the ground before!! on one muz was actually like Superman with what looked like a foot of his pants stretched in the air! haha :P

Sunday was nice and lazy. Snoozing, more bacon sammichs and watching The Others. We went into town with anna to pick up some flip flops where i spotted a nice pair of bench shorts i want (black camo, nice!). then more lounging figureing out which bit of seaside me and roz are gonna go camping too. Some KFC for dinner then we all went off to the pub to play cards.

Whole weekend flippin ruled! the only way your gonna get this grin of my face is with a jackhammer! haha

Gonna try to find them shorts cheap on the interweb!


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