2 surveys

Feb 12, 2005 11:30

[x] Name: Mel
[x] Birthdate: 01.07.91
[x] Birthplace: Carson City Navada
[x] Current Location: arizona
[x] Eye and Hair Color: brown & brown with chlorine/natural highlights
[x] Hair Length: medium
[x] Righty or Lefty: righty
[x] Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
[x] Places you have lived: nevada, arizona
[x] With the best beaches: cali
[x] With the best food: every place has goood food just have to look for it
[x] With the best wilderness: er.
[x] Where most of your friends are: here
[x] Where long-distance friends live: dont really have any long distance friends
[x] Where would you like to live: colorado but i like it here
[x] Your heritage: special blend
[x] Sisters: older
[x] Brothers: none
[x] Do you like mom's side or dad's side more: dad
[x] Any favorite relatives: my cousins
[x] Do you get along with parents: sometimes
[x] Something that you wish people would understand: People relizing what they do and the toll it takes on others, and they need to listen
[x] Do you believe in God: yes
[x] Why or why not: dont need a reason for everything
[x] Are you afraid of death: not really
[x] Alcohol: never had a sip
[x] Drugs: im clean
[x] Personal goals: just to be happy
[x] Things you want to do before you die: it will come to me when it needs to
[x] Best way to die: in your sleep, peacefully and happy.
[x] Positives: friends/family/swim
[x] Negatives: almost everything else
[x] Fears: losing loved ones, dissapointment, heights, buggies
[x] Most embarrassing moment: if you wanna kno ask
[x] Scars: not alot
[x] Where you want to go to college: anywhere but here and has to be a good med school
[x] What do you want to be when you grow up: Sports Physical theripst
[x] Age you hope to be married: 25-30
[x] To who: I will tell you when he comes
[x] Children names: Ryan, Brynn, Carlie something like that isdk
[x] Pets: none i wanna doggie tho
[x] Funeral song: ....
[x] What do you want done with your body when you die? cremated
If You Know Me Well, You Know That...
[x] Pet peeves: incredibly annoying ppl, sister's toothpaste tube (dont ask well i guess you can but idk y it boths me so much)
[x] When you're nervous you: bite my nails, get the feeling in my stomach, feel like i have to throw up/go to the bathroom
[x] Favorite car: truck
[x] Friend(s) you are always hanging out with: Emily, Michael | Randi, Rach, Missa, Chelsea, Francie
[x] I look like: .. me..
[x] Favorite songs: so many, 1st to come to mind is Scars from papa roach "I tear my heart open i sew my self shut, my weakness it that i care to much, and the scars remind us that the past is real, i tear my heart open, just to feel"
[x] Like mushy love stuff: most mushy stuff
Friends In General
[x] It irks you when: dont listen
[x] Do you have songs for friends: certain friends
[x] All of your friends know: that i swim
[x] Lyrics that define what you want in a friendship: ... idk...
[x] Nicest thing someone said to you: Josh said some really sweet things. -_-
[x] Something you did that you thought you would never do: idk. win some swim championships. State (100m) and Far Western (100m 200m).
[x] Something you want to do but haven't had the nerve to do: strangle a few ppl
[x] Do you believe in a thing called love: yeah ... i hate that song with a burning passion
[x] Do you believe in soul mates: yeah
[x] Do you believe in love at first sight: it would have to happen to me
[x] How would you define being 'in love': when it cant be explained in words
[x] Have you ever been in love: thought so
[x] How is your relationship with the people you were in love with: amazing...
[x] Love or lust: love
[x] Best love songs: Pretty Girl (The Way) -Sugarcult
[x] Possible to be in love with more than one person: not at the same time


The Basics]
Name: Mel
Date of birth:01.07.91
Gender: female
Location: arizona
Zodiac sign: capricorn
Reason for taking survey: im bored

[Going Deeper]
If any, name any phobias you have: spiders, heights, losing people i love
If you could come from any country that wasn't your own, what would it be: i always wanted to be an aussie
Do you drink: no
Do you smoke: no
If so, when did you start smoking: i dont smoke
If any, what drugs have you done: none
Name every country that your Internet friends originate from or live in: er.. usa?
Now do the same for your family: usa
Are you a junk food person or a healthy eater: junk food person but some somewhat happy
Living arrangements: with my parents..
Name any pets you have: none
Siblings: older sis
Do you like your school: sometimes
What is your favourite class: science/lang arts
What is your least favourite: spanish
What genre of movie do you prefer: comedy
What movies from that genre do you like the most: alot
Are you a gamer: no
If so, what games do you play: n.a
What music genre do you listen to the most: alternative rock, punk pop, emo
Name some bands/artists you like: Story of the year, threedays grace, LP, hoobastank, simple plan, crossfade evanescence green day
If you could eliminate the existence of one band/artist, which one would you choose: if you dont like it dont listen to it
Are you into self categorization? If so, what would you call yourself:err. you decide

Time of the year: fall
Friend: i <3 all of them
Family member: my cousins
Animal: dogs and dolphins
Sweet food: heath bar / ice cream
Savoury food: ribs
Spicy food: orange peel chicken from pei wei
Country: i wanna go to aus
Colour: baby blue
Sitcom: um.. i dont watch alot but i <3 boy meets world
Cartoon: failry odd parents XP
TV channel: mtv, tlc
Pastime: hanging w/ friends
Drug: none
Fictional book: a ring of endless light
Non-fictional book: ...
Romance movie: how to lose a guy in 10 days
Sci-fi movie: err.. spaceballs?
Action movie: Pirates of the Caribbean
Historical drama movie: none
Horror movie: err.. i dont handle scary very well
Music genre: Alterniative rock/emo
Artists from that genre: Story of the year, threedays grace, LP, hoobastank, simple plan, crossfade evanescence green day
Porno: no
Anime: not interested
Magazine: teen people
Games console: none
Website: LJ
Swear word: uh... idk
Ice-cream flavour: mm.... heath bar! and german chocolate cake form coldstone
Clothing brand, if any: anything that fits
Store: anyplace i can get stuff that fits
Place to relax: home in my room
Place to shop: the mall
Place to party: a friend's house

Do you believe in...
God: yes
A counter-god, or devil: i guess
Reincarnation: not really
The Soul: yeah
Evolution: maybe
Angels: maybe
Karma: sure

Do you celebrate Christmas: yeah
How do you celebrate your birthday: with friends and familia
What is your religion: Christian
Does your family have any special customs: Ribs on Thanksgiving, and Shrimpa
Have you ever converted from another religion or atheism: no
Are you a vegetarian: no, i cant live with out meat!

[For the Older Kids, Sex!]
Are you a virgin: yepp
If applicable, did you like your first time: n.a
Ever given head: nope
Ever recieved head: no
Ever done anal: no
Does S&M appeal to you: sure
Do you watch pornography: no
Ever had sex whilst drunk: no
Do you regret any sexual incidents that occurred on your part: i havent head any
Do you consider yourself sexually attractive: no
Favourite sexual position: eh...

[Your Love Life]
Are you in a relationship right now: no
Describe your current, or most recent relationship: it was fine wile it lasted
Are you, or have you ever been in love: thought so
Are you, or do you plan on getting married: yeah
Do you believe in soul-mates: yes
Do you think long-distance love is possible: yes but it takes alot
Could you see yourself being unfaithful: no
What do you notice about the opposite sex first: hair
Taller or shorter than you: taller
Ever broken someone's heart: i hope not
Has someone ever broken yours: yeah
Do/would you have children: when im ready
Any relationship beliefs (such as Gorean philosophy, etc): err...

[Your Bad Side]
Do you steal, or have you stolen: food from friends
If so, was it from a store or a person you know: person i kno
Have you been intimate with someone else's significant other: no
Do you take advantage of other peoples' kindness: no
Have you lied to your parents: of course who hasnt?
Do you get jealous easily: sigh..yes
Do you have a bad temper: no
Have you ever made someone cry: yeah
Ever physically hurt someone: yeah
Do you consider yourself racist: no
Must you always seek vengeance: eh

[This or That]
Alcohol or Marijuanna: neither
Coca-Cola or Pepsi: coke
A quiet evening at home or a wild night out: depends
Extreme intelligence or unbelievable beauty: combo
A permanent, stable relationship or an insane sex life: stable
Christmas without gifts, or Christmas without everything else: without gifrs
Rock or Rap: rock
The ability to fly or the ability to be invisible: to fly
Hearing or seeing: seeing
Depression or anxiety: axiety
Immortality without the ability to die, or mortality: morality
Death by freezing, or burning: freezing
Death by suffocation or being stabbed: stabbed
Lots of acquaintances or a few close friends: a few close friends
To be a singer or an actor/actress: uh... actress
Eternal day or eternal night: day
X-Ray vision or psychic abilities: psychic abilities.. only certain ones tho
Sweet or savoury: sweet
To never sleep or to never eat: uh... you need both
To eat as much as you want or to sleep as much as you want: sleep
World domination or infinite knowledge of all things: infinite knowledge
Britney Spears or Christina Aquilera: christina
Bush or Kerry: bush
To resort to cannibalism or to die: die

[The Last]
Person you talked to: Person -sister aim- michael
Person you argued with: er.. idk
Person you hugged: err... rach/missa
Person you texted: dont ave text messaging
Phonecall: michael to make sure airsofting was still on
Thing you ate: frosting w/ wipped cream, coconut, and chocolate chips.
Thing you drank: milk
Time you showered: yesterday
Time you told someone you loved them: i dont remember
Time someone said they loved you: last night?
Time you laughed: uh
Time you vomited: a loooong time ago (lets hope it stays that way) *knocks on wood*
Paycheck: never to young to work
Time you had sex: never
TV show you watched: gilmore girls XP
Song you listened to: SCARS!!! from papa roach
Movie you watched: part of dodgeball
Dream you had: ill tell ya when i remember them
Time you got drunk: never but acted drunk... a couple weeks ago
Party you went to: i dont remember.
Item of clothing you bought: a shirt from dillards
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