This is the tolerance of the Left.
Denver radicals issue Tea Party crash call: “Cut loose and let these racist crackers know they are opposed.”This comes as no surprise when their Messiah advised his followers to "get in the faces" of the opposition.
"You’ll love their logo:" Click the link.
I'd like to say I wonder how the Pravda media will report the tea party events when there has been news for a week they are going to be infiltrated by those trying to make them look stupid and racist, but I don't wonder. Leftists themselves, with no ethics of any kind, they will report against the tea parties. Speaking of those devoid of ethics...
The ridiculous propaganda of MSNBC.
Army to court martial 'birther' officer To get so much wrong in such a short article. "birther" - mischaracterization. "he considers orders from President Obama to be 'illegal.'" - mischaracterization. "he believes (incorrectly) that Obama wasn't born in the United States." - Why even go out of their way to add "incorrectly?" The answer is because they can't help themselves from propagandizing. Also, that statement is a mischaracterization. "where he was confronted by his brigade Commander Col. Gordon Roberts, a Vietnam Medal of Honor recipient." Why mention the Medal of Honor recipient part at all? Again, propaganda.
I am embarrassed for people who get their "news" from MSNBC.
President Obama Needs to Prove His Constitutional Eligibility to Be Commander-in-Chief Please feel free to read this and tell me what unreasonable things Lieutenant Colonel Lakin says.
"I hope that President Obama will demonstrate his respect for the U.S. Constitution and release his original birth certificate."
That's not a "birther." It's a soldier who wishes the Commander in Chief show respect for the document he swore to uphold.
Ratfaced Inquisitor Waxman backs down.
Waxman Inquisition canceled It appears someone clued in Waxman that the companies he was about to bring forth to testify were complying with the law, and in so doing about to make it blatantly obvious to the American people what a job killing, deficit hiking debacle is the health care "reform" law.
"His April 21 witch hunt session has been cancelled [...] Perhaps Waxman and Company thought better of it while contemplating the prospect of a nationwide revolt by all businesses who are simply complying with disclosure laws and accounting principles, and telling the truth about the burden of the Dems’ crushing mandates.
Never fear, though. Waxman has moved on to his next jihad: He’s calling for a ban on chewing tobacco in Major League Baseball." While the nation is on the verge of utter economic collapse, the Democrats have a laser like focus on what's important.
Video: Barton blasts Waxman for intimidation attempts on ObamaCare, cap and trade "Not only is Barton right about the intimidation, but Waxman’s tirade regarding ObamaCare flies in the face of the Sarbanes-Oxley regulations Waxman himself supported. Under those laws, any information of adverse impact on earnings has to be publicly disclosed at the earliest possible time" [...] "Simply put, those hearings had no other purpose than intimidation." Our government is out of control.
Did FDR End the Depression? Short answer: NO!
"That's probably the most frequent comment made about President Franklin Roosevelt [...] It's a myth. FDR did not get us out of the Great Depression"
"Congress-both chambers with Democratic majorities-responded by just saying 'no.' No to the whole New Deal revival: no federal program for health care, no full-employment act, only limited federal housing, and no increase in minimum wage or Social Security benefits.
Instead, Congress reduced taxes. Income tax rates were cut across the board [...] Corporate tax rates were trimmed and FDR's 'excess profits' tax was repealed [...] By the late 1940s, a revived economy was generating more annual federal revenue than the U.S. had received during the war years, when tax rates were higher."
Leftists couldn't win by executing their ideas because they always fail. Instead they infiltrated media and academia to convince the people that the failures were successes and any voice against them is a lie.