That evil CHRISTIAN militia group. The RACIST tea partiers. A warning to those of good conscience.

Mar 30, 2010 10:55

Any person of good conscience, but especially Christians, Jews and whites, need to do some serious thinking about the Democrat Party.

First, it would appear the "militia" group threat was legit. I believe attacks on the life of police officers should be an automatic death penalty. Our Founders would have rightly hung such people from a tree outside the courthouse right after trial. Planning such attacks should mean a lifetime away from society.
All this is obvious, but I first need to make it clear to the @sshole Liberals who will pretend this wouldn't certainly be my opinion.

Now on to the observations.

Any time a Muslim terrorist attack takes placed it's referred to as a "terrorist attack," sans "Muslim." The perpetrator is often described by the White House and complicit Pravda media as the "alleged" and the "suspect." We are then reminded by the White House and media that most Muslims do not commit such acts, that Islam is a religion of peace, that we mustn't prejudge, and that we don't yet have all the facts.

Here's a little side note before I continue. "Hate crimes" against Muslims are consistently less than those against Jews. In fact, anti-Jewish "hate crimes" are seven times more frequent. When was the last time we heard anyone appeal to us all to stop beating on Jews? Just the opposite in fact. Al Sharpton is a spokesman for the Democrats and for blacks, yet he incited a riot against Jews in NYC which resulted in a death. Jesse Jackson, former Presidential candidate, referred to NYC as "hymietown."

Any time a Muslim commits an horrific act their religion is down played, and we are reminded that the majority of Muslims are peaceful. Meanwhile I have yet to see a report that doesn't refer to the Hutaree as a "Christian militia group."

At best the Democrats and complicit media are deliberately unnecessarily associating Christians with violence while illustrating an extreme double standard with Muslims. The double standard proves this argument. At worst, this raid on this group of lunatics and the accompanying media frenzy is a test case setting the narrative, another Big Lie, to target Christians and militia groups. There is no other reason to keep referring to them as a "Christian militia group."

Now on to the tea party. Last night Al Sharpton said on Bill O'Reilly that he "saw the tape" of tea partiers shouting "nigger." O'Reilly pointed out there is no tape. Sharpton then seamlessly pivoted from his blatant lie, asking O'Reilly if he is calling those who claim they heard it liars.
1) No tape. No proof. EVERYONE had cameras. The scumbag Democrats brought cameras and tried to incite a riot, and taped the whole thing for when it happened. They failed. It didn't happen.
2) YES. I am calling all those who claimed it liars. Because they are liars. The lack of evidence of their claims when they had recording devices makes that obvious.

Anyone who shows dissent against the Democrat Party agenda, an agenda now ruled by radical socialists, is labeled as a racist whenever possible. At best that's an affront to anyone who wishes for reasonable discourse, all of whom should condemn it. Yet find me the Liberal who does. With few exceptions they accept the Alinsky any-means-to-the-end tactics. At worst, and the case here, they continue to set the Narrative that any dissent against the Democrats is indicative of hate that must be condemned. This Big Lie can easily be turned to laws destroying free speech (see Canada, Britain) or to eventually justify rounding up such hateful people for reeducation. Before you laugh, take a realistic look at the Left of the 20th century.

People of good conscience need to take a serious long look at the Democrat Party as it is today.

The following applies especially to those who consider themselves Democrats/progressives/Liberals/socialists. Your silence is approval. You are complicit.

They paint anyone white who dissents from their agenda as racist. When they cannot furnish proof by even finding one among thousands, they lie. That's a deliberate attempt to silence people based on their race.

Is anti-white racism acceptable to you?

If it is you are not a person of good conscience. Please do not kid yourself otherwise.

If it isn't it is YOUR DUTY as an American to condemn the perpetrators, the Democrat Party and media (redundant). Speak up now. Pick up a phone. Call the Democrats. Call the media. If you do not speak up now then you are complicit. This is no longer honestly disputable.

They paint Christians as violent extremists. The proof of this is how they coddle violent Muslims.

Is creating a narrative where Christianity is evil and dangerous acceptable to you?

If so you are not a person of good conscience. You are a bigot. Please do not kid yourself otherwise.

If it isn't it is YOUR DUTY as an American to condemn the perpetrators, the Democrat Party and media. Speak up now. Pick up a phone. Call the Democrats. Call the media. If you do not speak up now then you are as guilty of assaulting all those of the Christian faith. This is no longer honestly disputable.

They speak out against any ill word toward Islam for fear of attacks against Muslims. Yet they say nothing about attacks against Jews. In fact the opposite. The Democrat Party embraces and honors blacks who are on record as hating Jews and causing their deaths.

Is embracing those who hate Jews acceptable to you? Is using the Jewish people as nothing but a tool acceptable?

If so you are not a person of good conscience. Please do not kid yourself otherwise.

If it isn't it is YOUR DUTY as an American to condemn the perpetrators, the Democrat Party. Stop tolerating it. Speak up whenever you see it. Sharpton and Jackson, and those embrace them, are bigots who should be ostracized. If you do not speak up then you are as guilty as those who use and attack Jews. This is no longer honestly disputable.

Militias are nothing but groups of private persons. There is nothing inherently dangerous about those who call themselves a militia. Democrats are deliberately tarnishing these groups of private citizens to create the narrative that any group who dissents or questions the very real dangers of this radical cabal (who have lied, hidden their activities, and just now are starting to admit they are moving us to socialism) must be silenced or imprisoned.

Is silencing groups who gather and dissent suddenly acceptable to you?

If so you are not a person of good conscience. Please do not kid yourself otherwise.

If it isn't it is YOUR DUTY as an American to condemn the perpetrators, the Democrat Party and media. Stop tolerating it. Speak up whenever you see it. The Hutaree should be called what they are, a cult. If you do not speak up then you are as guilty of those trying to silence dissent. This is no longer honestly disputable.

If you aren't a person of good conscience, if you deserve to be lumped in with those of the above, remember you had a choice. If your morality is garbage then so be it. Nothing anyone asks of you will get you to do the right thing. However, if the Republic survives this onslaught there will be those of us who remember the rules of conduct you've established.

hate crimes

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