Daily Outrage from yesterday

May 15, 2009 13:17

Obama, Detainee Photos, and Vanity Arson "President Obama announces the pending release of 'tortured' detainees’ photos, awaits the firestorm, then plays the hero by reversing his decision."
"The ACLU screams. So what? They’re not going to withdraw their support for Obama, or his policies."
He is playing everyone. This entire situation is no-lose for him.

Liberal Taliban Issues Fatwa Against Miss California by Ann Coulter
I posted this mainly for the following:
"Christians aren't people who believe they are without sin; they're people who know they're sinners and are awestruck by God's grace in sending his only Son to take the punishment they deserve.
This is in contradistinction to liberals, all of whom believe they're on a fast track to heaven on the basis of being 'basically good' people -- and also believe that anyone who disagrees with that theological view is evil."
This never ceases to amaze me. Liberals utilize Alinsky's Rules to ridicule conservatives who make mistakes or somehow fall from their personal standards (screaming "hypocrite" or "double standard"), with the genuine belief in their argument that they are morally superior for not possessing ANY standards in the first place! The mind boggles at their logic.
"Liberals wouldn't attack James Dobson with the amount of bile they've directed at a 21-year-old beauty contestant. It's not just Christianity -- it's women liberals hate."
"I'm not sure we needed a psychological profile of Prejean to figure out why she holds the same position on gay marriage as: the president, the vice president, the secretary of state, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards and his mistress, and the vast majority of the American people."

Repeat campaign finance scofflaw Soros gets away with it again "In my column on the SEIU today, I mentioned how the George Soros-funded group, Americans Coming Together, was hit with a $775,000 fine by the Federal Election Commission - the third largest civil penalty levied in the panel’s history - for gross campaign finance violations.
Yesterday, in little-noticed news, California’s campaign finance panel fined Soros directly for failing to disclose a $350,000 contribution that was funneled through the Drug Policy Action Network to help fund a ballot measure undermining the state’s Three Strikes law for criminals."
"The California regulators noted that Soros had been a repeat offender, yet fined [the BILLIONAIRE who made a billion betting against the country last year] a paltry $8,000!" They fined him 8K for a $350K violation. Surely a fine of 2% of the donation will change things in the future.
Note how none of this OBVIOUS and ONGOING corruption gets reported, let alone is major news.

Moonbats' Primordial Yearning "Infantilism is at the root of their ideology, as Kyle-Anne Shiver notes in a highly recommended piece on the rise of liberal fascism in America:"
"'The modern liberal fascist seeks that state between mother and child which exists early on before the child seeks his own independence, before mother must set herself at odds with him. It is the perfectly secure state of childhood where all is lovely and peaceful and nurturing, but cannot continue indefinitely if the child is to be prepared to face a world of difficulty and hard choices. Nevertheless, the yearning continues.'"

Our American Pravda media: 'Many Republicans Wince' at Cheney -- And They're All Anonymous? "The Washington Post's lead story Thursday was 'As Cheney Seizes Spotlight, Many Republicans Wince.' There's only one obvious problem with Dan Balz's front-pager. Those 'many Republicans' are too timid to attach their names to all the wincing."
"This story shows bias by story selection. By choosing this date to publish this story, right next to the Obama-infuriates-MoveOn.org story, reeks of politics."
The mainstream media can simply lie to put out the story they need. There are no longer journalist standards demanding better. If there are honest Democrats out there, they should care and demand better. "First they came for..."

Ed Schultz Reveals Inner Dolt in Gushing Over Wanda Sykes "Schultz told his radio listeners on Monday that he was in the audience at the dinner and got a huge kick out of Sykes' remarks" But conservatives are supposed to stand back and accept Limbaugh and other bashing, claiming they are mean spirited or whatever other BS? Again, Liberals think having NO standards makes them superior or gives them an excuse.

Credit where it's due (and it's very little): Stewart Skewers Pelosi On What She Knew and When She Knew It "Such was the case Tuesday evening when the "Daily Show"'s Jon Stewart, in a segment delicously called "Waffle House," lampooned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Cal.) ever-changing answers to what she knew about detainee interrogations and when she knew it" Even though Stewart is too much a dishonest cowardly shill to honestly address the faults and mistakes of The One, at least he managed to appropriately point out the mistake of the third in line to the Presidency.
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