Budget Deficit Now $1.8 Trillion, Media Blame Bush "Without considering how the current budget passed last year with virtually no Republican support, and that all spending associated with this record-breaking deficit was either approved by Senator Obama or signed into law by President Obama, news outlets echoed what Office of Management and Budget director Peter Orszag ascribed as the culprit in his blog:" Those who do not include "from the Democrat Congress" along with "inherited" are liars. Shun them. The media is an enemy of the American people.
WELL worth the read:
Barack Obama, the Quintessential Liberal Fascist"While most modern Americans remember well Hitler's Holocaust and the Cold War waged by a solid U.S.S.R., many of these same Americans have swallowed some false history regarding the movements that spawned such widespread, horrendous results. In what may be regarded as the most triumphant propaganda victory of our time, fascism has been scrubbed of all its Marxist roots, while communism has been scrubbed of its millions of callous murders.
This post-WWII propaganda coup undeniably set the stage for the early Alinsky critics' most feared eventuality, that the massive organizations could be shrewdly adopted by a fascist demagogue,"
"Be not fooled, America. The movement, which appears most benign is instead the most malignant growth ever seen on our soil. It's a cancer that will kill, and however slowly it grows or however nice it may look on the surface, doesn't change a thing."
Big Labor's Investment in Obama Pays Off "'We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama -- $60.7 million to be exact -- and we're proud of it,' boasted Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union, to the Las Vegas Sun this week. The behemoth labor organization's leadership is getting its money's worth. Whether rank-and-file workers and ordinary taxpayers are profiting from this ultimate campaign pay-for-play scheme is another matter entirely." "The SEIU scored not one but two Cabinet appointees:" "Within two weeks of moving into the White House, Obama signed a series of executive orders championed by union bosses." "The payoffs keep coming. Last week Obama slashed the Labor Department's funding to investigate union corruption" "California officials also reported last week that the Obama White House gave the SEIU an unprecedented role in negotiations over federal stimulus funds." "SEIU's enforcers have set aside $10 million to un-elect any of its political beneficiaries who abandon their pledges to do the union's legislative bidding. The campaign money was raised by slapping an extra $6-per-member fee on top of regular dues payments --" But Obama condemns special interests. My ass.
Tales of the labor bosses "Harold Meyerson, one of the leading leftist intellectuals, writes an unintentionally revealing column in the Los Angeles Times today, bemoaning strife among California labor unions, just as they are poised to achieve political dominance."
Hey, Harry Reid, do you think we have an entitlement crisis yet? "I want to remind you of what Harry Reid said just a few years ago in response to Republican calls for Social Security and Medicare reform." Republicans have been saying this for years. Democrats have been lying to the American people all along. And the suckers bought it all.
What Pat Buchanan Failed to Mention "Nowhere in the book do I see an acknowledgement that basically the top 100 newspapers in our country, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, and even ESPN and The Weather Channel, lean far left. All of them, at one point or another, crossed that ethical line to support Barack Obama."
When Republicans talk of how to make a comeback or if the party needs to lean more Left, failing to address that the media are lying shills who threw the election is sheer stupidity.
FNC's Grapevine "But the Washington Post reports newly obtained documents show Robert Murtha Jr. mentioned his uncle as leverage in his business deals, and that he held unusual power with the military." Just more Democrat nepotism and corruption. "the National Institutes of Health has awarded 2.6 million of your tax dollars to Dr. Xiaoming Li of the Wayne State University School of Medicine who will study and train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job."
Hey Hawaii: About 'Islam Day' (Updated) "The Hawaiian legislature has some explaining to do. According to the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life survey, Islam is at the bottom of the list of religions in Hawaii" To make themselves feel good there is nothing Liberals won't do, no cost too high.
Affirmative Action Transfreakazoid Crashes Boston Trolley "The Boston-area transit authority trolley driver who allegedly slammed into another train while text-messaging his [sic] girlfriend Friday was hired as a minority because of his [sic] transgendered 'female-to-male' status" "We'll never know how many competent and responsible people were passed over so that the operator job could go to [political correctness]"
Will Media Notice Pelosi's Gaffe 'Medicare Established in the '50s'? "Think media members when they report this interesting interruption at the end of this brief event -- pretty uncommon for someone to interrupt the President this way! -- will point out her lack of basic historical knowledge concerning this entitlement program?" Liberals protect their own as best they can.
Jon Stewart Defends Wanda Sykes Venom -- With Weird Comparisons to Waterboarding "Jon Stewart warmly recalled Stephen Colbert having the "titanium balls" to mock President Bush at the White House correspondents dinner in 2006. Predictably, he also came to the defense of Wanda Sykes for going soft on Obama and wishing Rush Limbaugh dead" Scumbag Liberal shill.
After the cut is a VERY important quote from Barry O I want to keep for the future. I can't wait to use it on a Liberal. The topic is gay marriage.
Today's Qs for O's WH - 5/12/2009 _____
Note: the White House quickly provided this example from an August 9, 2007 forum sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign where then-Sen. Obama was asked about his position on same sex marriage being essentially "separate but equal."
JOE SOLMONESE: Can you see to our community where it, that comes across as sounding like "separate but equal"?
SEN. OBAMA: Well, look, you know, when my parents got married in 1960, '61, you know, it would have been illegal for them to be married in a number of states in the South. So obviously, this is something that I understand intimately, it's something that I care about. But I would also say this, that if I were advising the civil rights movement back in 1961 about its approach to civil rights, I would have probably said it's less important that we focus on an anti- miscegenation law than we focus on a voting rights law and a non- discrimination and employment law and all the legal rights that are conferred by the state.Now, it's not for me to suggest that you shouldn't be troubled by these issues. I understand that and I'm sympathetic to it. But my job as president is going to be to make sure that the legal rights that have consequences on a day to day basis for loving same sex couples all across the country, that those rights are recognized and enforced by my White House and by my Justice Department.
I look forward to quoting that to a Liberal without attribution, then watching them flounder after they've thrown their tantrum and I reveal the details.
I expect I will be called a racist and homophobe. And then I will point out Barry said it. I can't wait.