The Daily Outrage

Mar 24, 2009 20:38

(Edit: This post has been edited.)

I almost hurt myself laughing

George Will: 'The Toxic Assets we Elected' "George Will calls it 'lawlessness, situational constitutionalism and institutional derangement.' We refer to it as just another day in the age of Obama:"
"'The Federal Reserve, by long practice rather than law, has been insulated from politics ... Now, however, by undertaking hitherto uncontemplated functions, it has become an appendage of the executive branch. The coming costs ... of this forfeiture of independence could be steep.'" Remember when, under Bush, increases in Executive power were a bad thing?

Channeling Anger by Cal Thomas "Should Congress and the regulatory authorities, which have failed so spectacularly and at every level (and in both parties), be allowed to manage and repair the financial damage they helped cause? Can they be trusted with even more power... This is what totalitarian societies do, isn't it?"
"Voters should force term limits on these power-hungry, money-grubbing people (I'm talking Congress, not AIG). [Melvin Note: I am still torn on this issue.] And by the way, if Congress is successful in prying all or most of our money from the tight-fisted hands of AIG executives, how about a provision that would force every member of Congress who took campaign money from AIG to rebate the taxpayers?
If the public doesn't rise up and stop this political coup of private industry, we will all be the worse for it."

Fall out from massive spending: China wants new reserve currency "The suggestion by China to remove the dollar as the world's reserve currency and replace it with an internationally regulated system by the IMF is a direct result of the trillions spent by the Obama Administration so far and the promise of more." The totalitarian communists would be happy to move to a world currency they dominate. Obama is helping them.

Why Doesn't Communism Have as Bad a Name as Nazism? By Dennis Prager "Given the amount the human suffering Communists have caused - 70 million killed in China, 20-30 million in the former Soviet Union, and almost one-third of all Cambodians; the decimation of Tibetan and Chinese culture; totalitarian enslavement of North Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Russians; a generation deprived of human rights in Cuba; and much more -- why is 'Communist' so much less a term of revulsion than 'Nazi?'"
"This question is of vital significance. First, without moral clarity, humanity has little chance of avoiding a dark future. Second, the reasons for this moral imbalance tell us a great deal about ourselves today."

Global Warming update: Put It on Ice "a new paper in the journal Nature provides an estimated time frame for the loss of Antarctic ice... the loss of the West Antarctic ice from warming is appearing 'more likely a definite thing to worry about on a thousand-year time scale but not a hundred years.'"

The Futility of American Educational Reform "Why has no one stood up and said, 'Test scores will improve when students become diligent, pay attention to teachers, and put as much effort into learning as they put into sports and socializing?'"
"In America's perverse education world, punishing sloth supposedly destroys the inner passion to learn. Yet one more time, the passion to promote unearned self-esteem subverts genuine accomplishment.
Second, little concrete is to be gained politically by pointing the finger at students themselves. Finger-pointing may elicit cheers and hundreds of congratulatory e-mails, but it lacks a ready-made political constituency... By contrast, criticizing chronic laggards will almost certainly energize quick-to-anger grievance groups whose leaders profit from alleged insults"
"A parent who refuses to prod junior or even discipline him for disrupting classes enjoys a professionally supplied carte d'excuses"
If teacher's unions cared at all about the students, this is what they'd be saying.

Seventh-Grade Teacher Shares Perversion With Class "'No,' agreed a lanky 13-year-old ..., '[the 7th grade teacher is] not gay. He's bisexual. Why don't you ask him?'"
Call me close minded. I think if my thirteen year old child comes home to share with me that their teacher likes both girls and boys, I have reason to be annoyed. That's not education. It's indoctrination. For all the talk I hear of how teachers don't have time to teach because they're teaching to the test, this guy seems to have plenty. The Moonbattery site goes to an extreme sometimes. Then again, six 7th graders coming out in the openly LGBT alphabetsexual teacher's class? That appears to be statistically anomalous.

It's almost as if having a militant role model influences behavior. I know what you're saying. "Crazy talk!" How can that be! Said influence seems to be exactly what this teacher obviously wants, given he was kind enough not just to explain his partner is a man, but that he also likes vagina. (Thanks for clearing that up, Teach.) Coincidentally, making gay marriage legal automatically legally protects militants like him and others across the land as they do the same thing. Also coincidentally, we can see countless examples of how the Left pursued pushing its goals on children first to convert the populace. But I'm not supposed to say that gay the gay "marriage" fight is about an agenda? Because then I am somehow the militant? I don't find that acceptable.

WaPo to Domestic Violence Victims: You Can't, Shouldn't Arm Yourselves with Guns According to these geniuses abused women are too unstable and emotional to defend themselves. Remember, if the abuser finds her with deadly intent, police response could be 1-20 minutes, but a gun is immediate. They think abused women should just take it and pray. Better that than own an evil gun.

Sick As 14 Die, Including 7 Young Children, AP Reporters Engage in Class Warfare The articles read: "Three California families headed to a retreat for the ultrarich were among the 14 victims." This is the new Liberal narrative. I hope you don't love any doctors, dentists or nurses. Thanks to Obama and the Democrats they soon may faces the guillotine or reeducation camps.

NBC pressure and propagandist shill Stewart's beating can do wonders for the outlook. Cramer Flip-Flops on Obama's Anti-Wall Street Rhetoric: 'The President has Become Pro-Shareholder' "Cramer said. 'When these CEOs make so much money, it hurts the shareholders. We have to be pro-shareholder. The president has become pro-shareholder.'"

global warming, communsim, guns, teachers unions, gay rights, climate change, education

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