Today is a true study of the liberal mind - Catching up from the weekend

Nov 18, 2008 14:51

For those who wished me a happy birthday, thank you. The rest of you suck. :)

Read this if you care either way about Global Warming.
UK Paper Notes 'Surreal Scientific Blunder' in Global Temps Measurement; US Media Doesn't Care
"On Monday, Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), which is run by Al Gore's chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, and is one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures,"
"Figures from the previous month had simply been carried over and repeated two months running."
"A GISS spokesman lamely explained that the reason for the error in the Russian figures was that they were obtained from another body, and that GISS did not have resources to exercise proper quality control over the data it was supplied with."
"the figures published by Dr Hansen's institute are not only one of the four data sets that the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) relies on to promote its case for global warming, but they are the most widely quoted"
To recap, one of the main sources for the IPCC gets bad data, doesn't care, and the mainstream media doesn't bother to report that fact, as industries and governments around the world are going "green" at incredible cost due to possibly flawed or deliberately inaccurate data.
You see, it doesn't matter if it's accurate. It matters how they feel.

A short read to remind those who are interested how Sharia treats women.
How Sharia Law Punishes Raped Women
One of the things that frustrates me about too many Liberals is their constant embrace and defense of Islam. Don't get me wrong. As long as they don't bother my country I don't much care what they do. But a lot of Liberals are rabid "feminists" and "feminist" sympathizers. (I put that in quotes because what they call feminism is a farce.) Yet when it comes to those who strictly adhere to sharia law, the same people who would jump on me or act in disgust without asking a question when I use the term "vaginified" will leap to defend the very people who treat women this way.

Something to look out for:
Via snoop, a self described, "exceedingly pissed off negro conservative,"
Blog Watch: Racist Emails Sent By Black Posing As White
I think activities like this are about to go on a big rise. People don't want to discuss black racism but in my opinion it's rampant. Obama has said he will expand civil rights prosecution and he plans to pick judges based on color and other "disadvantaged" factors as a first priority. The witch hunts might get thick.
If they do and the same people who were worried about "warrantless wire taps" of Americans making international calls to terrorists don't speak up, I may start getting violent.

A simple look at what went wrong with the financial disaster.
At the HUD of the Fall
"The current financial crisis began with the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in July. The dominant institutions in the American mortgage market, and among the most powerful institutions politically, became wards of the government in a matter of weeks. What was their fatal flaw?"
"The best explanation is the simplest: The GSEs badly misjudged the risk of subprime mortgages. So did other lenders. But the GSEs - because they were bigger, were required to hold less capital, and carried the implicit backing of the U.S. government - took the biggest risk and had the biggest fall."
Do NOT let the Liberals trying to set the narrative do so. GSE's WERE a major contributing factor. Racist loan policies DID help cause this.

Gun rights, shouldn't this be illegal?
A view of things to come from the Obama admin?
'No Guns' Policy for Staffers?
Cybercast News reports the questionnaire given to those seeking work in the Obama administration asks applicants if they or members of their family have ever owned a gun, and if so, who used it, and if it ever caused injury. The 63-question form also requires the gun registration information.

Another view of the would be Senator Chris Matthews:
Chris Matthews: Obama's Administration 'Historically Wondrous;' Palin Might 'Dump on the Parade'
MSNBC is a joke. People watching it for other than laughs are part of the problem, whatever problem you want to list.
"Matthews also deemed Obama's administration, which hasn't taken office yet, as 'historically wondrous' and pondered who would become the 'chief jeer leader' of the new administration and 'dump on the parade every day':"
This is how MOST Liberals think. It WILL be wondrous, and if it isn't, it is because of the naysayers. And you think these people WON'T turn violent?

Lauded rabid Liberal economist, and recent Nobel winner (which means "rabid Liberal") shares his genius.
Krugman: Raising Taxes Worsened Depression But OK Now
It doesn't matter if it works. It matters how he feeeeeeeeels about it.
"Forgive me, Nobel Laureate Krugman, but no matter how you want to slice it, this is INDEED a tax hike for EVERY working American. And, if you agree that raising taxes was a mistake in 1937, why would we be talking about raising taxes two years from now while our economy is currently in so much trouble?"
Remember when Obama said he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class? "We have always been at war with Eastasia."

Yet again, Katie Couric should be fired. THIS is what the lapdog Liberal Pravda mainstream media has to offer its audience.
Couric Studied With Anti-Palin Advisers Before Palin Interview
"Couric shed some light on her preparation for the interviews: Beforehand, she sought advice from former senator Sam Nunn and Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haas [actually, it’s Haass]. They told her to draw Palin out on her geopolitical worldview and urged her to let the governor speak at length without interrupting her."
"Sam Nunn, of course, is now leading the Obama transition team on defense policy"
It's hard to lose an election when your side preps the media on how to spike your opponents. Obama should have won by a lot more than 1 1/2% more than Bush got.

Speaking of which, ending on a somewhat positive note...
The Four Hard Lessons of Campaign 2008
I will translate: 1) The media is the enemy, 2) Adding rules for fraud or ethics only helps Democrats, who can't care less for rules, 3) the GOP cannot out pander Democrats, 4) “Mavericks” during an election are like a whore the day after a frat party.
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