
Jun 27, 2008 12:01

Unrelated to any of the posts, but funny and true.

So much good stuff it'll never get read...

Dick Morris on the Fleecing of America
"“No one seems to be doing the hard work of actually going through Obama’s positions, looking at what he’s for and against, and what he would do as president,"

Don't Fear the Smear!!!
"Obama likes to portray himself as the candidate of hope, openness, transparency and civil debate. But he is the one who quickly questions the motivations of anyone who dare criticize and who labels huge swaths of issues off limits or distractions."
Will Republicans finally grow a set and take this head on?

Obama disagrees with high court on child rape case
I post this only because of the following quote I found quite interesting:
"'I believe there are some crimes _ mass murder, the rape and murder of a child _ so heinous, so beyond the pale, that the community is justified in expressing the full measure of its outrage by meting out the ultimate punishment,' he wrote in his book 'The Audacity of Hope.'"
I really have to get around to reading his books. They are apparently a treasure trove of delusion. I did not know this. I'm surprised Liberals aren't up in arms. This guy apparently can do no wrong.
Let's focus on one part of that, shall we? "the community is justified in expressing the full measure of its outrage" What?!? That sentiment isn't... troubling to anyone? I want justice, a life for a life. I want to save the taxpayers their money. I do not want government expressing the full measure of public outrage. With a "living document" Constitution the full measure of public outrage could end up with policies killing citizens for anything successfully made unpopular! WTF?!?

Evolving Nonsense
"We deserve a Supreme Court that lets change evolve, in whatever direction, through the legislative processes, not justices who employ “evolving standards” [snip]. John McCain has said that he would appoint judges who will respect the popular will, overturning it only in response to clear constitutional commands and not to their own preferences. [snip] Barack Obama has indicated that he falls on the other side of the jurisprudential debate."

The ACORN Obama knows
Another unreported Obama connection that deserves exploration

You Can't Fuel All of the People All of the Time By Ann Coulter

I'm posting this mainly for this quote:
"In response to skyrocketing gas prices, liberals say, practically in unison, 'We can't drill our way out of this crisis.'
What does that mean? This is like telling a starving man, 'You can't eat your way out of being hungry!' 'You can't water your way out of drought!' 'You can't sleep your way out of tiredness!' 'You can't drink yourself out of dehydration!'
Seriously, what does it mean? Finding more oil isn't going to increase the supply of oil?
It is the typical Democratic strategy to babble meaningless slogans, as if they have a plan."

Gloucester’s Shame
17 pregnant teenagers at once is the direct result of Liberal policies.

Mexican hitmen arrested for murdering man in his Phoenix, Arizona home
"Full tactical gear, AR-15s, 50-100 rounds burped off at the victim’s house (who was suspected to be a marijuana dealer) and alleged plans to “ambush” any Phoenix PD officers who tried to stop them."
Can we regulate the border yet?

Britain's continued collapse, a harbinger of our doom if we do not learn: Nanny State to Confiscate Children's Incorrect Meals
"If a packed lunch is deemed to contain too much fat and sugar, parents could be sent warning letters or their children's meals confiscated."
The statists will get us through our children.

Here is one Democrat lawyer showing the world what law school taught him about ethics, morality and decency: Dem State Rep. Gets Nasty in Defense of Child Rapists
"that 6-year-old is going to sit in front of me, or somebody far worse than me and I'm going to rip them apart. I'm going to make sure that the rest of their life is ruined. That when they're 8 years old they throw up; when they're 12 years old, they won't sleep. When they're 19 years old they'll have nightmares and they'll never have a relationship with anybody."
"you have to do every single thing you can do on behalf of your client. That is your obligation as a trial lawyer."
The Medieval Catholic Priests of our day. But their God doesn't even have the illusion of moral accountability.

DEATH OF THE WEST: Justice Department Found Guilty of Discriminating against Wackos and Extremists
The Bush Administration tries to weed out potential treason via tools like thought. Democrats are having none of that. Their Justice Department will be diverse, inlcuding terrorist sympathizers. Lucky us.

Media Darling Warren Buffett Decries Obama’s Windfall Profits Tax
Isn't Warren Buffet the go to guy for Liberals to claim the experts agree with their socialist policies?
"In the past when Warren Buffett has spoken out the "super rich" needing to pay a higher tax rate, the media have hung on his every word. But, now that he has spoken out against a windfall profits tax on oil, will they notice?"
I bet no one.

CBS’s Couric: Zimbabwe Dictator Departed From Marxist ‘Hope and Promise’
Sound familiar?!?
"When Robert Mugabe was first elected in 1980, he was a hero. He was seen as one of Africa's most promising black leaders...The son of a carpenter, the revolutionary and former school teacher said he had, quote, 'inherited the jewel of Africa.'"
"But in the '90s, Mugabe became more authoritarian. This one-time revolutionary squashed all opposition and faced charges of cronyism and corruption."

obama foreign policy

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