Does Obama know what he's talking about?Obama recently brought up that we should treat terrorists as we did the 1993 bombers, and made mention of our treatment of prisoners during the Nuremburg trials. The problem is, he was dead wrong on what he said with both.
Obama: "we were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial. They are currently in U.S. prisons, incapacitated"
Reality: "many also escaped prosecution because of the limits on civilian criminal prosecution. [snip] Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, continued to operate freely because they were beyond the system’s capacity to apprehend. Abdul Rahman Yasin was released prematurely because there was not sufficient evidence to hold him - he fled to Iraq, where he was harbored for a decade (and has never been apprehended)."
Obama: "Nuremberg trials, part of what made us different [snip] we still gave them a day in court and that taught the entire world about who we are [snip] the Supreme Court upheld that principle yesterday.
Reality: "no access to American courts. [snip] no appeal rights."
Europe Fears Obama Might Undercut Progress With Iran"European officials are increasingly concerned that Sen. Barack Obama's campaign pledge to begin direct talks with Iran on its nuclear program without preconditions could potentially rupture U.S. relations with key European allies early in a potential Obama administration."
This is the Washington Post. It's hardly right wingers reporting this.
Ignoring the UN to do whatever he feels like? Haven't we learned about the horrors of cowboy diplomacy?!? Oh wait. In this case it's a wise and bold initiative for peace, because only he can solve the problem.
A Surprising Story on Crime"If crime revives as an issue, it will be through liberal complaints about something that has reduced the salience of the issue -- the incarceration rate. And any revival will be awkward for Barack Obama. Liberalism likes victimization narratives and the related assumption that individuals are blank slates on which 'society' writes."
"Last July, Obama said 'more young black men languish in prison than attend colleges and universities.' Actually, more than twice as many black men 18-24 are in college as there are in jail. Last September he said, 'We have a system that locks away too many young, first-time, nonviolent offenders for the better part of their lives.' But Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute, writing in the institute's City Journal, notes that from 1999 to 2004, violent offenders accounted for all of the increase in the prison population."
The Facts in Iraq Are Changing"As we enter the second half of the campaign year, facts are undermining the Democratic narrative that has dominated our politics since about the time Hurricane Katrina rolled into the Gulf coast -- most importantly, the facts about Iraq."
"If George W. Bush was wrong about the surge from summer 2003 to January 2007, Barack Obama has been wrong about it from January 2007 to today. John McCain seems to have been right on it all along. When asked why he changed his position on an issue, John Maynard Keynes said: 'When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?' What say you, Sen. Obama?"
Obama Personally Told Campaign Volunteer to Shut Up About Che Guevara Flag"'what happens, what happens is that is that there are a lot of groups that, well, some people like Che Guevara and other people don't like Che Guevara and that if I appear on television talking about the flag it would cause a lot of distractions.' When asked who told her that, she answers flatly, 'Barack Obama.'"
What two things do I notice from this? Barack Obama called his volunteer personally, and did not say Che is a murdering Marxist thug.
Notice the convenient "distractions" theme? Coming up a lot, no? It's going to continue. That's Obama's "vast right wing conspiracy," learned from the same source as Hillary.
North Korea Endorses ObamaCastro, Qaddafi and now Kim Jong Il. Dictators agree, Obama is the leader they want for America.
You Need a Weatherman To Tell Which Way Obama Will Go"Obama has acted like he has only a passing acquaintance with Ayers, as someone living in the same neighborhood, even claiming in an interview that he thought he was an “English professor.” But it seems that Obama may be hiding a lot of connections, like how Ayers and similar like-minded revolutionists of the 1960s, helped get Barry Obama a job as a “community organizer.”"
"“It is highly unlikely that a 30-something second year lawyer [Obama] would have been plucked from relative obscurity out of a left wing law firm to head up something as visible and important in Chicago as the Annenberg Challenge by Bill Ayers if Ayers had not already known Obama very well,” a “key move in [Obama’s] early career.”"
As usual, where is the mainstream media, whose job it is to vet Presidential candidates?
Of course, all of these many and growing issues are all distractions, I'm sure.
Keep the "
change," Senator. Our country can't afford it.