I find the Mohammed thing to be extremely disturbing. We might as well say goodbye to the history of our civilization right about now.
As for those "sex ed" videos, I watched the two you recommended and several others and I almost puked. It's shit like that that makes me absolutely TERRIFIED to bring a daughter into this world, but on the other hand if intelligent non-libtards don't start reproducing, and FAST, we're effing screwed. Have you ever read Brave New World? Step 1: sexualize the children.
That they are certainly doing.
Others who are more optimistic keep telling me the pendulum will swing back to some sense of sanity.
I think the genie is out of the bottle and it's only a matter of time.
I can't imagine what I would do if I found out my teen daughter was shown a video that depicted anyone not having sex as pathetic and doing a disservice tot heir future spouse, then outright laughed at abstinence. I'd lose my fucking mind. Do I think a teen girl is going to have sex? Quite probably. But once upon a time adults were supposed to ADVOCATE HEALTHY BEHAVIOR. ARG!
I have a problem with anything presented to teens as good = people think you're cool, bad = people think you are uncool. Did you watch the video about dating an older guy? I agree that a 15 year old dating a guy in his twenties or (God forbid) thirties is bad, but I HATED how they presented that message. Basically they said something like "You may be cool for having an older boyfriend, but nobody thinks he's cool for dating you, he's a loser." I mean, WTF?? If it's all about what other people think, why don't we just skip the BS and start encouraging teens to use the movie Grease as a serious model for their lives???
Oh oh! And another thing that PISSED ME OFF in those videos was in the abstinence one where they showed "alternative activities" they had the girl playing a game with a D&D book on the table. Yeah, because if you are a gamer you are a loser who never gets laid. It's just how it was portrayed, that all the cool kids are out giving each other crotch rot, while the losers are sitting at home gaming, and lord knows NO ONE is ever going to want to fuck them!
But yeah, I'm with you, if I ever found out my kid (son OR daughter) was showed that disgusting crap someone would be hurting.
Sorry, I just needed to rant a little more about that. I think I got it out of my system. :)
Did you watch the video about dating an older guy?
Between the "Ha ha Abstinence condoms" and the abstinence video I was at my limit.
Basically they said something like "You may be cool for having an older boyfriend, but nobody thinks he's cool for dating you, he's a loser." I mean, WTF?? If it's all about what other people think,
Wow. Lovely.
You know why they went that route? Probably because they can't actually say anything like, "it's wrong." That would be a moral judgment call, and we can't have that.
why don't we just skip the BS and start encouraging teens to use the movie Grease as a serious model for their lives???
That's precisely what secular progressives want!
"alternative activities" they had the girl playing a game with a D&D book on the table. Yeah, because if you are a gamer you are a loser who never gets laid.
GAH! My head would have exploded.
Aside from the fact that I am a gamer, and I like gamer, and gaming is a perfectly fine activity, what's with the damn stereotype? Is this the freackin Breakfast Club? There are hot gamers, videogamers and sci fi fans aplenty now. The 80s are long gone.
But when it comes down to it, from the point of view of these self-centered assholes, if you are doing any activity that involves THINKING you must be a loser. How great for our children.
But yeah, I'm with you, if I ever found out my kid (son OR daughter) was showed that disgusting crap someone would be hurting.
Sorry, I just needed to rant a little more about that. I think I got it out of my system. :)
As for those "sex ed" videos, I watched the two you recommended and several others and I almost puked. It's shit like that that makes me absolutely TERRIFIED to bring a daughter into this world, but on the other hand if intelligent non-libtards don't start reproducing, and FAST, we're effing screwed. Have you ever read Brave New World? Step 1: sexualize the children.
That they are certainly doing.
Others who are more optimistic keep telling me the pendulum will swing back to some sense of sanity.
I think the genie is out of the bottle and it's only a matter of time.
I can't imagine what I would do if I found out my teen daughter was shown a video that depicted anyone not having sex as pathetic and doing a disservice tot heir future spouse, then outright laughed at abstinence. I'd lose my fucking mind. Do I think a teen girl is going to have sex? Quite probably. But once upon a time adults were supposed to ADVOCATE HEALTHY BEHAVIOR. ARG!
Oh oh! And another thing that PISSED ME OFF in those videos was in the abstinence one where they showed "alternative activities" they had the girl playing a game with a D&D book on the table. Yeah, because if you are a gamer you are a loser who never gets laid. It's just how it was portrayed, that all the cool kids are out giving each other crotch rot, while the losers are sitting at home gaming, and lord knows NO ONE is ever going to want to fuck them!
But yeah, I'm with you, if I ever found out my kid (son OR daughter) was showed that disgusting crap someone would be hurting.
Sorry, I just needed to rant a little more about that. I think I got it out of my system. :)
Between the "Ha ha Abstinence condoms" and the abstinence video I was at my limit.
Basically they said something like "You may be cool for having an older boyfriend, but nobody thinks he's cool for dating you, he's a loser." I mean, WTF?? If it's all about what other people think,
Wow. Lovely.
You know why they went that route? Probably because they can't actually say anything like, "it's wrong." That would be a moral judgment call, and we can't have that.
why don't we just skip the BS and start encouraging teens to use the movie Grease as a serious model for their lives???
That's precisely what secular progressives want!
"alternative activities" they had the girl playing a game with a D&D book on the table. Yeah, because if you are a gamer you are a loser who never gets laid.
GAH! My head would have exploded.
Aside from the fact that I am a gamer, and I like gamer, and gaming is a perfectly fine activity, what's with the damn stereotype? Is this the freackin Breakfast Club? There are hot gamers, videogamers and sci fi fans aplenty now. The 80s are long gone.
But when it comes down to it, from the point of view of these self-centered assholes, if you are doing any activity that involves THINKING you must be a loser. How great for our children.
But yeah, I'm with you, if I ever found out my kid (son OR daughter) was showed that disgusting crap someone would be hurting.
Sorry, I just needed to rant a little more about that. I think I got it out of my system. :)
Oh, no. By all means.
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