Illegal immigration:
Keep this in mind when considering illegal immigration, please.
Last year, San Diego County hospitals provided $619 million in uncompensated care, and an estimated 10 percent to 17 percent of that paid for treatment for undocumented immigrantsONE American COUNTY. $61 MILLION a year. And that's JUST for hospitalization. Not entitlement services. Not education. Not law enforcement costs. Just hospitalization. ONE County. $61 MILLION a year.
Meanwhile, Clinton still won't clarify her nonanswer about DLs for illegals in NY.
"Unless I missed something, Senator Clinton said two different things in the course of about two minutes," gibed former Sen. John Edwards".
And what does
Fred Thompson have to say about Driver's Licenses for illegals.
"Why aren’t they being apprehended and sent home if they come in and announce that they’re illegal? We’ve either got to be serious enforcing our laws or not."
What stand IS Clinton taking in regard to the debate?
The boys were picking on her. You cannot make this stupidity up.
I wonder what the little girl is going to do when she has to face big bad opressive male Republicans?
I wonder what the poor little girl, who supposedly wants to be treated as an equal, will do when she's facing the big bad oppressive men of THE WORLD. Is she going to pull up her skirts and run weeping to tell the U.N. Armaggedonnijad is picking on her?
Money Train, Another subsidy, no real reforms for Amtrak. "American taxpayers have more than 40 billion reasons more, for all of the subsidy money Amtrak has squandered over 37 years without ever turning a profit."
Why picking judges is so important. Supreme Court. John Paul Stevens laments that during WWII, we shot down the Japanese Admiral who planned the Pearl Harbor attack without "humanitarian consideration."
Speaking of loony judges, the infection in England will spread to the rest of the West.
AN illegal who has admitted indecently assaulting 11 women in the past five years and has committed a string of other offences including robbery, burglary, arson and drugs can't be sent home because he has no family.
a little perspective for the Democratic Underground, who is speaking out about the horrors of American torture.
There is no liberal media?
A columnist and member of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer editorial board can't decide whether to endorse or condemn burning down cathedrals. Missing Scandals, "Okay, okay, each of these revered institutions of the liberal orthodoxy has had its embarrassing pratfalls into plagiarism and bogus news stories, but how about us conservatives." Nope.
The Los Angeles Times digs in, refusing to correct numerous clear LIES in a recent column. Liberalism 101:
As long as you haven't admitted you're wrong, you are right.