Oct 18, 2007 19:43
BTW, I just thought I'd take a moment to point something out.
The price of oil is at $90 a barrel, a record high. It was at about $60 a barrel back May/June.
That was when Democrats were screaming that we had to tax the oil companies a "windfall tax" because they were artificially inflating oil prices, which they said directly effected gas prices.
Follow so far? Oil = gas, and so the government should profit.
The current price of gas, with oil at $90, is about $.40 cheaper than when oil was $60.
That means the Democrats were completely wrong. What do you think would have happened if their wrong idea had been implemented, if taxes had been increased on oil companies? The answer is the oil companies would have permanently raised gas prices to compensate for their loss.
Because the tax didn't happen, gas is lower while oil goes up. The poor who drive to work have escaped government "help" another day. On behalf of Republicans, you're welcome.
(P.S. Sorry I said the price of oil would drop in August. Gulf Coast hurricanes, a weak dollar, and Democrats trying to get Turkey to slaughter millions in Iraq. What can ya do?)