Current Events, in no particular order

Oct 14, 2007 13:37

A DJ and party promoter (black, might I add) planned to sponsor a bash that would let “light-skinned” black women into a downtown club for free. Wacky antics ensued. This kind of answers my (rhetorical) question about Halle Berry. The answer is, too many are burdened with the weight of far too much prejudice within, let alone without. It's a problem real black leaders should be addressing.

A 'Bergler" Steals Clinton's Credibility (as if she had any with anyone remotely informed and honest)
"Berger, for the record, wasn't stealing old lunch menus for his scrapbook. While we don't know everything he took (and in some cases destroyed), we know he did take drafts of what people familiar with it have described as a scathing "after-action report," done after the intelligence community failed to foil the millennium plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport, which was instead left for an alert customs agent to discover. The report was a brutal internal review of our state of unreadiness -- our vulnerability to domestic terrorism. A House government reform committee investigation revealed that Berger had unsupervised access to noninventoried original documents on terrorism for which there were no duplicates."

Bush to Get Tough on Porky Republicans. Better late than never?
"The Heritage Foundation compiled a sample list of the requested earmarks here. Some of the items include a $3 million earmark for the lending program managed by the open border group National Council of La Raza, $1 million for the Clinton School of Public Service in Little Rock Arkansas, and $3.7 million to combat the Formosan Subterranean Termite."
As a reminder, "la Raza," the group getting handed 3 million in taxpayer money, translates to, "The Race." Here's its origin. Do what you will with that.

The border:
Border fence delay challenged. We can't secure our border because of yet another judge. But there is more. It's where the suit comes from:
"Environmental groups filing lawsuits to prevent the construction of critical border infrastructure comes as no surprise,"
The environmental lobby is tied in with the Left. Those funding and leading it are all on the same agenda, just using different useful idiots to achieve the same cause.
Ironically, unless people look at what's really going on, "It said the foot traffic alone, along with tons of trash left behind by illegal crossers, was worsening the environment and that the proposed fence would actually enhance the environment and wildlife preservation by inhibiting illegal traffic." Because it isn't about the environment. The only questions are whether the judge stinks or is in on it.

Democrats target Blackwater. They couldn't end the war through honest debate or the series of dishonest tactics, along with celebrating every soldier death and jumping at every chance to declare our soldiers guilty of atrocities, so now they're attacking the contractors and causing a war with Turkey.

Question for grown-ups: Who deserves government-subsidized health insurance?
The family the Democrat are hiding behind, their little propoganda war human shields:
Three cars, a large home and commercial property worth at least $400,000, (through scholarships and other means) private school education for four children, all while the neither the father or mother were employed full-time, one of them working “intermittently” and the other “part-time”?

Remember the Cole: Seven years.
"“It truly is a shame that the Old Media dinosaurs keep a daily running tab of US Service members KIA in Iraq, but give this zero coverage." I wonder why that is.

Gore and the nobel Peace Prize.
"Prediction: In 20 years Gore or his climate alarmist successors will be lucky to appear on cable access TV, and Gore’s Peace Prize will take its place alongside Le Duc Tho’s 1973 award as a Nobel embarrassment."
The author makes two errors. The first is this, "Parson Al winning the Nobel Peace Prize was as predictable as his Oscar for Best Documentary, and represents the final debasement of a once-prestigious award." Far more debasements are to come, as this award is just a Leftist mutual masturbation award. The second is, "a Nobel embarrassment." The Left are incapable of embarrassment. They'll deny, hide behind a child, lie, steal, rewrite history and whatever else is necessary.

Planet Gore:
In his initial statement, however, Gore explains that global warming isn't a political issue at all: "The climate crisis is not a political issue, it is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity. It is also our greatest opportunity to lift global consciousness to a higher level."

Glad he cleared that up. I had been thinking it had something to do with science.

schip, sandy berger, democrats, race, death of the west

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