Atlas Shrugged: 50 yearsI prefer Fountainhead. Shrugged could have stood a 200 or so page trim. But the message is worth it.
"This was the whole secret of it. At first, I kept wondering how it could be possible that the educated, the cultured, the famous men of this world could make a mistake of this size and preach, as righteousness, this sort of abomination - when five minutes of that should have told them what would happen if somebody tried to practice what they preached. Now I know they didn't do it by any kind of mistake. Mistakes of this size are never made innocently. If men fall for some vicious piece of insanity, when they have no way to make it work and no possible reason to explain their choice - it's because they have a reason they do not wish to tell."
She knew the Democrat party of 2007 well.