This T shirt is awesome. If you don't know why, I feel sad for you.
This short post answers at least half the reason why NBC, as most other tv and Hollywood, is so consistantly awful. The writer and producer of the very successful and very funny BBC show Coupling explains
why NBC’s Version of 'Coupling' Didn’t Work. The Peter Principle.
I love Entourage. I can't even really say why. But
Emmanuelle Chriqui doesn't hurt. Lord.
Here is more of her
looking spectacular.
Superman sequel.
Kevin Spacey signs on to jam his performance into as short a period of time as possible in between real gigs, thereby guaranteeing another fascinating thrill ride in this flick. Superman sucked. Painfully. I would enjoy any two episodes of Smallville more. That's saying something.
I love Mandy Patinkin as an actor,
but this shows no class. He deserves to get fired.
WOW. A critic goes off the deep end
about Captivity, apparently so his wife won't beat him. I mean woo boy. No one over 16 (mental and emotional) years of age thinks this movie will be good. There is no surprise. But wow, way to read into things. This guy is the poster boy for guilty white liberalism. Has not ever seen a horror movie?
"I want the filmgoers of this nation to prove that we’re above this sort of contempt and hate of the female sex. That we’re not actually a nation of sick, twisted frat-boy fuckers who’d get off on this sort of deprivation." Frats and boys are evil. Frat + boy = double EVIL!
"a model with no trace of a back story. She’s just a girl. Blonde. Pretty. Has a toy poodle. Likes apple martinis. Has four limbs and a pair of breasts." Why yes! That IS how all men see women!
"when she tries to escape - she’s put in her place by the “man,” like all women should be, I suppose." So glad we agree! Now get your woman to fetch me a sandwich.
"Joffe and his cinematic henchmen try to pass off torture and date rape as a form of entertainment"
Again, I'm sure this movie sucks. Gore porn is juvenile and idiotic. This will be the extreme of that. No surprise there. This pussywhipped nutbar makes many a good point. But wow.
An amusing read if you feel the inclination.