"Johnny, what's 2 + 2?"
"An evil Republican bent on world domination?"
"That's right!"
FUCK???I just saw this on Fox News. The teachers everywhere who would teach this should thank the gods they doubtlessly don't believe in that I don't have a kid they'd end up teaching
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When the "real world concepts" are a hopelessly one-sided fantasy they are doing no service to the children, and could care less if they were. It's taking away from the math to indoctrinate children, and it's sickening. Look for the section where they address how to weigh whether the math or the social message is more important when creating the lesson. Read that again. Whether the math is more important for the math lesson.
This goal could be accomplished without an agenda. Your example makes that argument for me. Sports, nature, guns, building, cars, literally everything in the entire world is math. Examples to make it interesting, if that's the crutch a teacher must lean on to accomplish their task (I'd like them to meet my Algebra teacher, Mr. Klessel, who did just fine), exist literally everywhere one can look.
This technique is specifically about pushing the agenda. It is worse than teaching the theory of Creationism. Worse. It is withholding or doling out knowledge children need to indoctrinate them in an environment where they are too young and too powerless to fight back, and it's sickening.
Colleges across the country are welcome to add endless useless courses on this topic, right along with Women's Studies, Humanities and whatever other propaganda-as-education they want to hand out degrees for. But in taxpayer funded public schools indoctrinating children who are supposed to be learning math is unacceptable.
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