Item 1: George Bush doesn't like white people. We will repeat history until we learn from it.
Natural disaster strikes. What does the Democrat leader do?
A) Lead
B) Solve the problem
C) Blame Bush while the citizens suffer
C, Of course. And the blame is a lie
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That applies to all cases of the above, period.
I will take it one step further with what's going on right now. My grandparents had their radio confiscated during WWII on the chance they might be spies. (German)
Good for the government. And good for the citizens who recognized while we were at war with Germany that a little bit extra might be expected of them because they fit the profile that makes them more likely to be sympathetic toward our obvious enemies.
I expect all people of Islam to be sympathetic to and understanding of the fact that their religion has been hijacked by a whole lot of crazy people, and that as a result they will have to face extra scrutiny. If they can't accept that I'm pretty comfortable in my belief they're assholes.
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It drives me nuts how the left just make shit up and twist everything to support their agenda.
Clinton bought in and bombed the other side. Why? Arab donations? Sheer Democrat asshattery? Who knows?
Depends. Any time sinse the rise of Hitler I'd leave questionable. In this case anyone who resided here after '93, the first WTC bombing. Not for any other reason than ya gotta pick a date.
Internment of the Japanese was wrong, though, I'm sure you'll agree.
Yes. Quite the overreaction. Monitoring. Understanding that they'll be scrutinized more. But forced from their homes and put in camps? A bit much until we start having serious homeland attacks.
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We're even giving reparation to Guam for what the Japanese did. (It's a current House bill)
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I'm fairly certain the elements you've named are one of the likely causes of this Republic's fall within the next century.
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