I hate when I let too many days pass and the links build up. Now I've got so many it's cumbersome. The truly sad thing is, I do this knowing no one will read most of it, especially not those who need to most.
In no order whatsoever...
The difference in coverage of the there-is-no-liberal-bias media between Clinton's boy STEALIING STATE SECRETS and another far lesser offender. The difference in penalties should be noted as well.
Apparently Avian Flu isn't a threat. This makes me sad.
One example of why I do not hold the medical and pharmaceutical communities in the same awe as too many do.
Raw herbs have healing power over pills. Congrats! You've discovered what hippies, pagans and little old ladies have known for centuries. Always remember, doctors are practicing medicine.
The NYT prints a blatant lie. Is told it's a blatant lie.
Doesn't care.
It saddens me how many people don't know history.
If they did, liberals might learn from their mistakes. But why let reality enter now?
All those ads about parents being the anti-drug? Yeah, well, there's a reason they didn't work:. It's the parents doing them. It is well past time that as a society we grew up and went back to a time when people were allowed to take personal responsibility for what they put in their bodies. Just like Prohibition, government cannot listen to a bunch of misguided mommies telling others what's good for them.
Social Security for illegal aliens. Already destined for Bankruptcy, Bush is granting ILLEGALS social security.
if those aliens later get legal status -- through an amnesty or some sort of legalization plan such as the one President Bush and the Senate tried to enact last year -- they would be able to collect the benefits based on their time as illegal workers. Democrats are finding their rabid dog has come back to bite them. Get 'em, Cindy!
Pelosi gets Speaker.
"For our daughters and our granddaughters, today we have broken the marble ceiling,". I'm sorry you define yourself by your genitals, Ms. Speaker. I was ready to give you praise for your accomplishments as an individual, but apparently you feel you're just any random vagina that got the job.
Third in line to the Presidency, folks. You brought this on yourselves.
Troops flee from border outpost. US soldiers, on American soil, are forced to flee from armed thugs overrunning their outpost. How much more ridiculous can this situation get? Close the fucking borders!
1) Fine and jail employers who hire illegals. 2) Eliminate automatic citizenship for children born of non-citizens. 3) Fine landlords caught housing illegals. 4) Fingerprint and deport any illegal that commits a crime. Sue Mexico for the cost each time they return thereafter. 5) BUILD A FUCKING FENCE. 6) SHOOT AT those crossing who appear a threat.
If illegals are kept out they'll fix their own fucking country, and that benefits everyone!
This isn't hard! The problem is Bush, along with the new Democrat Congress, doesn't care what you, The People, think, or about your safety, or about the law. They care about the future Mexican voting block.