Been a long time. Mollie Tibbetts, Nia Wilson

Aug 24, 2018 23:31

I just wanted to make sure I left this somewhere in case I need it again. I should have been doing this for some time now. So much has been going on, with so much disinformation.


If you mention Mollie Tibbetts and someone responds Nia Wilson, it is time to face some uncomfortable truths. First, please understand, the Democrat media machine coordinated and spoon fed them that talking point, *entirely* to silence you. Media doesn't care about either murder.

Let's look at the tragic murder of Nia Wilson. The killer was a career criminal. The crime rate of Oakland is off the charts. Homicide is 5X the national average. What do locals do about that? Democrats have run it since 1977.

Democrats & (mostly Democrat) Californians were so pleased with how Oakland has been run, they elected one of the Mayors for nearly ten years the current Governor! Democrat cities regularly suffer lousy education, poor mental health support, corrupt govt, corrupt cops...

... lenient prosecution, and high crime. Look how long the top 10 violent cities have been run by Democrats. Residents keep voting Democrat! So what, exactly, would you like the rest of us to do about it? We're outraged. When we say so we're called racist and are blamed for it!

Now let's look at the murder of Mollie Tibbets. The crime rate there is 1/4 the national average. Urbanites are so numb to murder it barely gets a mention on the news, and they keep voting for the same non solutions. Where Tibbets was murdered there is an expectation of safety.

More important than the crime rate differences, the murder of Mollie Tibbets was 100% avoidable. 100%. Had politicians and law enforcement followed duly passed laws on the books AND THEIR OATHS TO THEM, the killer would not have been here to murder. That's indisputable.

There is no certainty what might have prevented Wilson's murder. Maybe if the area had better education, less crime, stronger criminal penalties, better social infrastructure it might not have happened. Tibbets' murder was 100% avoidable. There is no *honest* comparison.
Which brings us to the uncomfortable truths.

1) No Democrat making the comparison cares about the murder of Mollie Tibbets, and few likely care about the murder of Nia Wilson, either. Their only interest is political agenda.
Make your case and move on when they ignore it.

2) Democrats do not care about *any* murders. Set aside cities and doing the same thing repeatedly. Let's look at Parkland schools. Democrats still just rage about guns. To some degree that's forgivable. Democrat media, especially CNN and Jake Tapper, hid information from them.

Inform them Broward Supt didn't spend $100 million for safety before the killing, his PROMISE program & other policies PROTECTED the killer, deputies waited to enter&held back medics, and media lied to them about it all, and they won't care. Deaths don't matter. It's all agenda.

3) *Democrats are racists.* There is one primary reason they cite Nia Wilson while calling us racist over Tibbets outrage. Tibbets is white and was killed by a (their words) "brown person." To them that's why we care, not because our politicians and LEOs are breaking our laws.

Wilson is black, killed by a white. Their primary concern is the hate crime designation, not the murder. They see race first, always, and everything else is framed by that. And now they can *use* it for a false comparison. What they see is the black/white, white/brown dynamic.

4) As illustrated above, Democrats are only interested in one thing: their agenda. No murder matters. No deaths matter. What matters are the agenda items of silencing dissent, stirring racial division for power, importing future govt dependents for votes, and bigger govt.

Try to educate them. Try to change their minds. But please don't kid yourself that Democrats - and I mean the Democrat voter you will interact with, not just the oligarchs - in any way care about truth or your thoughts. Defeating you is the point. To them Nia Wilson is a tool.
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