
May 17, 2016 12:31

If this exchange with Sasse isn't a problem for you, I do not know what to say. At the very least, Trump cult needs to stop calling themselves progressive.

"To remind you, when he was asked on Twitter by Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska: "Will you commit to rolling back Exec power & undoing Obama unilateral habit? These r sincere questions & I sincerely hope u answer rather than insult," Trump replied, "@BenSasse looks more like a gym rat than a U.S. Senator. How the hell did he ever get elected?"

"So you want Hillary, then?" For the last time, this isn't about Hillary. It's about defending the republic from a candidate who is hostile to its foundational values."

"In an ordinary political season, perhaps Trump would be under fire for his habitual untruths, like the one that Ted Cruz’s father might have been involved with Lee Harvey Oswald. This time around, though, neither the media nor the public - least of all his supporters - seem to care. Which leads to the inescapable conclusion that these days, as far as our political discourse goes, truth, logic, reason and consistency don’t seem to count for very much.

There is, however, another and even more terrifying explanation as to why the truth doesn’t seem to matter. It has less to do with Trump or our own proclivities to reshape reality than it has to do with infotainment - with the idea that a lot of information isn’t primarily about education or elevation, where truth matters, but entertainment, where it doesn’t. "


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