Facebook "News" is a form of Pravda (as are all things touched by the always deceitful left).
Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News"“Depending on who was on shift, things would be blacklisted or trending,” said the former curator. This individual asked to remain anonymous, citing fear of retribution from the company.
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Comments 5
Much of it is that my computer is too old; whereas the adobe flash player, (or whatever it is called now,) isn't up to date. It seems that they only have specific video channels make the file view-able by my computer immediately. Channels like BBC Earth National Geographic, and the like load with no problems whatsoever. If I want to watch shooting channels, conservative political channels, and things of that flavor, I may have to wait a week until YouTube decides to create a file that is compatible with my flash player. I usually need to wait 3 days or more to view my own videos.
Adobe doesn't let me upload the current flash file, so there is no fix until I buy a new computer.
Remember, Zucker stole the idea for Facebook from someone else showing a complete lack of ethics. He is a complete lefty, and so are the people he hires.
(Paul Baptist from FB, by the way)
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