When Cruz had this exchange with a Trump supporter I didn't understand it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWve5GXquqk&feature=youtu.be&t=54 Now I do.
Cruz had already decided that if he did poorly in Indiana - and it was looking as if he was going to - that he would drop out of the race. So Cruz attempted a public exchange. This is not his first. He's done it multiple times, most of the previous times with leftists. This time it was with Trump supporters. On previous occasions it ended amicably, and he often turned people to his view via persuasive argument. In this case the mini mob shouted slogans in response. Cruz attempted discussion, stating a known fact about Trump NYT interview, and got the chant of "Lyin Ted" back at him.
Cruz was illustrating that there was no way for these groups to reconcile. Had Cruz won Indiana and gone to contested primary the would-be Blackshirts Trump fanatics are becoming would, possibly literally, burn down the convention.
Meanwhile Trump, knowing that Indiana was a near certain win, still chose to openly spread yet another National Enquirer story (Trump's personal friend Pecker runs NE), this time implicating Cruz' father in killing JFK. Let's be clear. Not only is that despicable, it's insane. Fox didn't question it (losing the last of its credibility). In fact, none of the Trump supporters questioned it or wavered for even a moment. Knowing he'd win, Trump chose to go for one more taunting, irrational smear.
During this campaign we got:
Cruz stole IA
Lying Ted
System is rigged
Stealing delegates
His father killed JFK
With Cruz dropping out and Trump the winner after the scorched earth campaign, Trumpites are now either demanding obedience or calling for reconciliation under the hashtag #Unity. To those people I have the following message...