Trump - the Town Hall, the Gibberish, the LIES

Mar 30, 2016 12:56

If you didn't watch the Trump part of the Town Hall last night, I highly recommend doing so. Watching it was like watching a Christopher Guest mockumentary (A Mighty Wind, Best in Show) pretending to be a Presidential campaign. Trump didn't offer a word salad. He offered a word smorgasbord. To say he couldn't stay on topic is like saying sharks swim.

This first link is the rush transcript. His rudeness, arrogance, and petulance don't come through as well, but the complete ignorance of every topic addressed does. If you don't know he has no idea of WTF he speaks by now, read the transcript or don't. I'm offering highlights not of his ongoing ignorance but to build the case for his dangerous complete lack of character.

Full Rush Transcript: Donald Trump, CNN Milwaukee Republican Presidential Town Hall
"TRUMP: Yes, he will. I looked at the tape. I looked - it was my tape. It was at one of my places. I have great security and great security cameras. I gave the tape"

Got that? Trump had this tape all along that showed Lewandowski yanked Fields. Please remember, Tr5ump and Lewandowski said he "never touched her". By Trump's own admission that was always a known lie.

Speaking of that quote...
"COOPER: Let me ask you about Lewandowski. Initially your campaign said this never happened, there was no video of it. You came out and said you thought this person was, perhaps, making it up, this reporter. Lewandowski, himself, tweeted saying, I never met this reporter, I never touched this person; now the videotape shows he clearly did touch this person. Whether or not you think it was battery or not...
TRUMP: Touch - I don't know what touch means. I looked..."

Just mull that over in your head. "I don't know what touch means."

For those who want to turn this to be about Fields, STOP. It doesn't matter who Fields is, what Fields said, or what Fields did. One thing matters. - "it was my tape" "never touched" "I don't know what touch means"...
"As incidents go, it was mild. But when it became public, Lewandowski lied, saying he had not touched her. Then the Trump campaign launched a coordinated effort to disparage its victim as an 'attention-seeking' serial liar who concocted the entire incident. They demanded that she either file a police complaint or shut up.
So, goaded by them, she filed a police complaint. Lewandowski has now been formally charged with simple battery in the state of Florida.
Trump, for his part, has gone from asserting earlier this month that 'nothing happened' to ridiculously claiming that Lewandowski's heroic yanking of a female reporter might have saved his life."

All Fields asked for in the beginning was an apology. Trump made a series of conscious choices, knowing from the tape she was yanked, to actively work to smear her and deny anything took place. (This caused her arguably two jobs, as her employer took Trump's side until she quit and another employer got rid of her) It could have gone away in a day. But it didn't.
That's not loyalty. It's pathological narcissism.

Now here's an amusing 35 second video. The title is one problem but I don't entirely agree with that criticism. It's not the only problem in the video.
Trump Gets Called Out as "5 Year Old" by Anderson Cooper CNN GOP Town Hall

If you don't know what picture Cooper is referring to that mocks Cruz' wife, take my word for it that it was unflattering. She looked like a deranged witch. Trump sits there saying he didn't know anything was wrong with the picture.
Again, that's a lie. It's not brave. It's not anti-PC. It's just being a childish asshole.

Now to some policy. Among the tsunami of ignorance Trump drooled out last night in between endless "excuse me" of faux indignation...
Trump On Top Three Functions Of Federal Government: ‘Security,’ Health Care,’ And ‘Education’
"'So in terms of federal government role, you’re saying security, but you also say health care and education should be provided by the federal government?' Cooper asked.
'Yeah, those are two of the things. Yeah, sure. There are obviously many things, housing, providing great neighborhoods-' Trump replied.
'Aren’t you against the federal government’s involvement in education? Don’t you want it to devolve to states?' Cooper asked.
'I want it to go to state. Absolutely,' Trump said.
So…he believes education is one of the primary roles of the federal government, but he wants the federal government out of the education business? I’m confused. I don’t even think Trump knows what Trump believes."

To recap, the three primary functions of the federal government are security, health care, education, housing, and many things; but maybe education should go to the states.

After getting over the fact that answer was complete gibberish can Trump fans please take note only one of those things is actually in the Constitution, and that all of it is the opposite of conservatism? It's not that it;'s only somewhat conservative. It's that it's not. At all. Zero. What is this guy saving us from if he's a Democrat but promises to build a wall? Why do people believe him?

And here is that town hall last night in a nutshell...
Lewandowski Case Shows How Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America
"What actually happens is that the interviewer finds some subtle way to express admonishment to viewers, but smiling Donald keeps on smiling. They move on to another subject-agreeing, as it were, to disagree. As if both points of view have validity, when in fact one is demonstrably false. It is in that moment, when they move on to the next subject, that Trump wins.
This moment occurs every time Trump is interviewed. At a certain point the anchor gives up. So what if he’s lying and we know it. We have to get along here. And maybe I’ll look like I’m a bully, like that Megyn Kelly, if I press it too hard. Maybe freaks on Twitter will look for every picture of me. Maybe they will call me a whore and pretend I slept with my boss. That’s exactly what happened to Amanda Carpenter. But who knows, right? It’s all a rich tapestry."


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