Cruz & Iowa

Mar 04, 2016 22:43

From a conversation in a forum...
(For as often as I have to debunk this Big Lie about Iowa I need to make sure to copy it for future copy-pasting)

Carson told CNN that Carson was going to take a few days off between the first and second primaries to rest and get laundry (or some such). Clean shirts maybe?
CNN then reported what Carson told them, adding the commentary that no canddiate who is actually trying for the candidacy would take time off for laundry between the two primaries.
This was minutes before the caucus began.
Cruz supporters and at least one Rubio supporter then tweeted the information provided by CNN.
It is NOT the job of Cruz supporters to vet CNN, especially duiring a caucus.
It IS the job of Cruz supporters to push for their candidate during the caucus, using all available information.
It IS the job of CARSON supporters to make the case for their candidate, including defending them.

CARSON was a fool or naive for #1) volunteering that he was #2) taking time off to CNN. That's two giant mistakes. Don't take time off after the first primary, and don't tell CNN.
CARSON is then obligated to fix that problem.
Cruz and his people are in no way responsible for that.

Even if all of this were Cruz's fault, which it is not, the legions of Carson supporters who supposedly changed their vote never appeared.

So it wasn't Cruz's fault or problem AND there is no proof it had an impact on the caucus.

After the caucus Trump jumped on the lie as a way to attack Cruz. Carson and Rubio did the same. They continued that attack because it was working and undermining trust in Cruz undermines one of his strong points.

Cruz poorly attempted to defend himself for a while, then eventually (very foolishly) opted to apologize. He should have known that the dishonest critics would only double down, claiming the apology was proof of his wrongdoing.

You and others prove that apology was a mistake. What he should have done was replied by attacking Carson and blaming Trump, as Trump does with his laundry list of lousy actions. But Cruz is a good man so didn't.

Now don't spam me with "ARGUE MY LINK" bullshit, as if volume equals proof in an age of openly dishonest media. If you want to provide links, excerpt them with arguments that specifically address what I've written or make a cogent argument for your case.

CNN reporting:

iowa, cruz

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