Obama and Islam

Sep 21, 2015 12:35

This is remarkably damning.

"Obama acknowledges in Dreams from My Father that his grandfather was a Muslim (page 104) and that he spent two years in a Muslim school in Indonesia studying the Koran (page 154).
There is no evidence Obama was baptized, in any formal sense, in Jeremiah Wright’s church. What’s more, there is no evidence that Obama ever specifically rejected Islam. Indeed, Obama could have joined Wright’s church in Chicago without disavowing the Muslim faith. Author Edward Klein notes that Wright told him that he 'made it comfortable' for Obama to accept Christianity 'without having to renounce his Islamic background.':

As we noted in a review of Klein’s book, Wright was asked if he converted Obama from Islam to Christianity, and Wright said, 'That’s hard to tell. I think I convinced him that it was okay for him to make a choice in terms of who he believed Jesus is. And I told him it was really okay and not a putdown of the Muslim part of his family or his Muslim friends.'”

There is absolutely nothing Christian about those two statements. The opposite, in fact. This is about as clear as one can be that the subject is not a Christian.


obama muslim

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