We can't deport them all!!!

Aug 10, 2015 17:54

Actually, we can and once did. Did you know that?

"Ike appointed a former West Point classmate and soldier, Joseph “Jumping Joe” Swing to head the INS. Lyndon Johnson and Pat McCarran, democrat senators were for open borders and they had allies in strategic offices in the INS. Swing lived up to his name and jumped right out of the chute and he transferred all of Johnson’s cronies away from the border and into jobs where they couldn’t influence policy."

Ike recognized that the political opposition infest the government and need to be immediately weeded out.

Who Says We Can’t Deport Millions of Illegals? Ike Did

"Overall, there were 1,078,168 apprehensions made in the first year of Operation Wetback"

Operation Wetback (1954): Implementation and tactics

"Operation wetback". How far we've come. Now you are evil and racist just for being against invasion.

Just so we're clear, we CAN. We WON'T. Saying we can't is simply not accurate.

deportation, illegal immigrants

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