This game up when I mentioned that gay marriage was part of the march against marriage eventually to leasd to children defined and effectively owned by the state. The libertarian I said it to seemed surprised by the notion. So I pulled up some links...
"While Critical Theory is often thought of narrowly as referring to the Frankfurt School that begins with Horkheimer and Adorno and stretches to Marcuse and Habermas, any philosophical approach with similar practical aims could be called a 'critical theory,' including *** feminism ***, critical race theory, and some forms of post-colonial criticism. In the following, Critical Theory when capitalized refers only to the Frankfurt School. All other uses of the term are meant in the broader sense and thus not capitalized. " An excerpt from Sexual Correctness: The Gender-Feminist Attack on Women (McFarland, 1996)
"To the sexually correct feminist, *** marriage oppresses women and the family breeds patriarchy *** . Both result from capitalism. Happily married women are considered pathological and traitorous. "
"Gender feminists and individualists view the same institution -- marriage -- and derive antagonistic conclusions. Gender feminists insist that the state must thrust justice into an inherently oppressive condition: marriage and family life. Individualists demand that the state withdraw from marriage and allow the adults involved to work out their own definition of justice in the privacy of their own homes. "
This next was long and eye-bleedingly boring. I took some excerpts The full emancipation of women, Engels predicted, will be achieved with the construction of socialism because then women will be allowed to work. "The first condition for the liberation of the wife is to bring the whole female sex back into industry, and . . . this in turn demands the abolition of the monogamous family as the economic unit of society."[5] With women working, the evils of male supremacy--prostitution, the double standard, and so forth-will automatically disappear.
In Dialectical Materialism and Psychoanalysis (1929), the most important early effort to synthesize Marx and Freud, [...]
With capitalism and sexual repression so neatly tied together, Reich was able to develop a Marxist family theory that was superior to that of Engels. While Engels called for socialism to liberate monogamy from patriarchy, Reich saw monogamy itself as a source of sexual repression. Instituted to insure the male's economic dominance, monogamy and the negative sexual morality connected with it were themselves agents of sexual repression.
"Unlike Parsons, Horkheimer and, the Frankfurt School were critical of the element of domination in the family. As a theory of human emancipation, Frankfurt School Marxism sought to unearth the root of psychic oppression in the family. In Horkheimer's lament, the despair of women and children, the deprivation of any happiness in life, the material and psychic exploitation consequent upon the economically based hegemony of the father have weighed mankind down no less in recent centuries than in antiquity . . . "[30] The family for him was a center of domination which brutalized children in preparation for their submissive acceptance of class society. "The child's self-will is to be broken, and the innate desire for free development of his drives and potentialities is to be replaced by an internalized compulsion toward the unconscious fulfillment of duty. Submission to the categorical imperative of duty has been from the beginning a conscious goal of the bourgeois family."[31] Horkheimer postulated a natural freedom which was then destroyed in the family.
The central mechanism in the family which crushes freedom is the authority of the father over his sons. Of all family relationships, that of father to son is the only one taken seriously by Horkheimer and the Frankfurt School."
The left has almost always considered the family unit an enemy. The further left it gets the more they despise the family, as *any* loyalty above the state is unacceptable. Women must be "free" from monogamy and sexual restriction, etc, which coincidentally kills the family.
Examples of this stuff throughout Leftist dogma abounds. So much so it didn't occur to me that non-leftists don't take it for granted.
Up to you what you want to do with this.