Liberal hypocrisy & agenda revealed - What Kinds of Molestation are Acceptable?

Jun 04, 2015 13:16

Regarding the Duggar family, let's look at Democrats...

"'I can’t believe how crazy the media is going over the Duggar family compared to the big fat yawn they gave Lena Dunham'"

"In her new book called Not That Kind of Girl - according to Bradford Thomas - she writes about 'experimenting sexually with her younger sister Grace, whom she says she attempted to persuade to kiss her using ‘anything a sexual predator might do.’ In one particularly unsettling passage, Dunham experimented with her six-year younger sister’s vagina. ‘This was within the spectrum of things I did,’ she writes.'
[...]She also - according to her own book - used her sister, 'essentially as a sexual outlet, bribing her to kiss her for prolonged periods and even masturbating while she is in the bed beside her.'"

Just so we are clear, "anything a sexual predator might do" is an admission of the behavior. "Within the spectrum" is an admission there were other related and similar activities over time.

I'll break from that article for a bit and add to it from my past posts:

"A year before controversy surrounding her memoirs surfaced, HBO star Lena Dunham posted on Instagram a photo of her sister Grace, then five years old, made up with red lipstick, fake breasts, and bearing the caption, '#tbt that time I dressed my 5 year old sister as a Hell’s Angel’s sex property #1997.'"

That's the label Dunham assigned now, present day.

“'As [Grace] grew, I took to bribing her for her time and affection [...] Whatever she wanted to watch on TV if she would just ‘relax on me.’ "

Dunham admitted to years of ongoing sexual abuse of her sister, something she does not regret to this day. She is celebrated for it.

"Remember the liberal media outrage?
Oh that’s right. It didn’t happen. The liberal media darling Dunham was praised for her 'honest and witty' book."

The Duggars are being attacked because they are popular Christians. That's it.

Let’s Get This Straight, Liberals - What Kinds of Molestation are Acceptable?

lena dunham

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