Fascism. This is evil. Period.
And I guarantee you can trace these back to iHollaback Nazis and their fascist sister groups.
This is nuts. How bad do things have to get? Is there ANY goodness and courage left on the left to speak up and stop this garbage?
"But I'll risk microaggressing you to note that the student government at Ithaca College in upstate New York has just passed a mind-blowing bill that will allow students to anonymously report offensive statements"
The 'noble' purpose? "will create a more conducive environment for victims to speak about microaggressions"
We want a collective Big Brother to have a more powerful collective Big Brother.
"So remember, kids, you don't go to college to learn new things and feed your head. You go to college to be subjected to an anonymous system of collecting information about the bad thoughts you have [...]
But rest easy, because if you are in fact accused of microaggressing, **your accuser 'would likely have to reveal their identity' if any charges are pressed (emphasis added)."**
And even then, what do you say in your defense? Having said it is indefensible guilt.
People who support this would watch you put on a train for reeducation. Don't doubt it.