Giuliani, Obama loving America, #WakeUpAmerica

Mar 02, 2015 00:21

Are critics of Giuliani on this subject cowards, idiots, zealots, or liars? It's one or more of the four. When I get done laying this out it'll be obvious.

Giuliani recently said: “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America [...] He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. **He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”** Giuliani was ridiculed and vilified for that.

Here is a link I ran into today that sparked this: Obama Identifies With The 9/11 Killers
Quoting Obama: “'This collective history, this past, directly touches my own,' he added. 'Not merely because, as a consequence of 9/11, my name is an irresistible target of mocking websites from overzealous Republican operatives. But also because the underlying struggle between worlds of plenty and worlds of want…is the struggle set forth, on a miniature scale, in this book,' ***which at its core is an indictment against Western imperialism, racism and colonialism.***
Obama goes on to say he identifies with the 'desperation and disorder of the powerless,' and how they can 'easily slip into violence and despair.'”

So by Obama's own admission, he saw 9/11 and his thought was "this past, directly touches *my own*", "struggle between worlds of plenty and worlds of want", "desperation and disorder of the powerless".

Now some more information from links at bottom. I'm going to try to put these in rough chronological order in Obama's life, then cite them again at bottom for those who want to verify.

From ages 6 to 10, Obama lived in Indonesia. Will anyone dispute that 6-10 are important years in a person's development?
Newsweek - "Yet the poverty and corruption of Indonesia would come to instill 'a relentless skepticism' in the child, he later wrote."
Obama - "This collective history, this past, directly touches my own. Not merely because the bombs of Al Qaeda have marked, with an eerie precision, some of the landscapes of my life - the buildings and roads and faces of Nairobi, Bali, Manhattan"
Obama - "I have seen, the desperation and disorder of the powerless: how it twists the lives of children on the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi in much the same way it does the lives of children on Chicago's"
The roads and landscapes of his life. This past touches his own. From ages 6-10 he saw Indonesia and the impact was "relentless".

He moved back to Hawaii and went to a private school. If this were a Republican, private school would not be considered a pathway tot he common American. Anyway...
Obama- "The opportunity that Hawaii offered-to experience a variety of cultures in a climate of mutual respect-became an integral part of my world view, and a basis for the values that I hold most dear."
SPLC - "Caucasians, who comprise about 25% of the ethnically diverse state's 1.3 million residents"
Good or bad, a private school and in a state that is 25% caucasian is unusual. What became the basis of what he holds most dear is the variety of cultures he experienced in private school in Hawaii.

Hawaii: From the SPLC - 'The last day of school has long been unofficially designated 'Kill Haole Day,' with white students singled out for harassment and violence.'"
If you ever watch a show set in Hawaii and one of the characters, often the heroes, is slinging around the term Haole, know that it's not unusual, and it's like saying 'nigger'.

From Snopes, quoting Obama - "I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect I was ingratiating myself to whites"
So within two years after returning from Indonesia he was obsessed with race and "ingratiating [himself] to whites". Just like every American!...?

Newsweek - "Keith Kakugawa was a close friend of Obama's at the Punahou School. (He appears in "Dreams" as a revised character named "Ray" who may be a composite of more than one Obama friend.)
Back in Hawaii in the 1970s, it could seem that everyone was some kind of a minority. The fact that Obama was half-black and half-white didn't matter much to anyone but Obama, Kakugawa says: 'He made everything out like it was all racial.' On one occasion, Obama thought he'd gotten a bad break on the school basketball team because he was black. But Kakugawa recalls his father's telling the teenager, 'No, Barry, it's not because you're black. It's because you missed two shots in a row.' (Here, Kakugawa's memory is different from Obama's. The Ray character in the book is the one obsessed with being discriminated against.)"
Take the comment above. Then the comments of Obama, his AG Eric Holder, and his Race Czar Sharpton, I think who recalls correctly has been settled.

Obama left for school at Occidental. From Snopes, quoting Obama - "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy."
In case that isn't clear, they discussed the evils of the West, the evils and racism of the West, the evils of the West, and the evils of the male dominated West. In case that too isn't clear, America is the current major power of the West.

Newsweek - "Barry Obama decided that he didn't like his nickname. A few of his friends at Occidental College had already begun to call him Barack (his formal name), and he'd come to prefer that. The way his half sister, Maya, remembers it, Obama returned home at Christmas in 1980, and there he told his mother and grandparents: no more Barry. Obama recalls it slightly differently, but in the same basic time frame"
Keep in mind, this is someone who revels in criticizing those who comment on his name, the name he chose to switch to after 19 years as Barry, a normal American name. He consciously switched it while spending all of his time with those who despise the West.

I'm going to skip Reverend Wright, the man Obama described as a good friend, who married Obama and his wife, and whose church Obama attended for TWENTY YEARS, all while Obama was apparently unaware Wright despises the country.
I could address the insane and thoroughly race Wright - - but I won't. It would take too long.

In 2009, Obama was asked a seemingly simple question. - ""[C]ould I ask you whether you subscribe, as many of your predecessors have, to the school of American exceptionalism that sees America as uniquely qualified to lead the world"
After cutting through the endless word salad that is Obama's specialty, here's where he approaches an answer - "And so I see no contradiction between believing that America has a continued extraordinary role in leading the world towards peace and prosperity and recognizing that that leadership is incumbent, depends on, our ability to create partnerships because we create partnerships because we can’t solve these problems alone."
In short, "sees America as uniquely qualified to lead", no.

Now we return to 9/11, when terrorists, some educated and well off, according to their leader due to American involvement in holy lands attacked this country murdering 3000 innocents, which caused Obama to think about "the underlying struggle between worlds of plenty (America) and worlds of want (The Middle East)".

Back to Giuliani - "He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

Are critics of Giuliani on this subject cowards, idiots, zealots, or liars? It's one or more of the four.;+in+fact,+as+Faulkner+reminds+us&source=bl&ots=PH7y7Z3FTM&sig=MZh9c8A9P9GZVSMGHlrNkM5Y0pk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=k0nzVP6iHrLCsASXxoKQAw&ved=0CDEQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=history%20returned%20with%20a%20vengeance%3B%20in%20fact%2C%20as%20Faulkner%20reminds%20us&f=false

"What I do know is that history returned that day with a vengeance; that, in fact, as Faulkner reminds us, the past is never dead and buried - it isn't even the past. This collective history, this past, directly touches my own. Not merely because the bombs of Al Qaeda have marked, with an eerie precision, some of the landscapes of my life - the buildings and roads and faces of Nairobi, Bali, Manhattan; not merely because, as a consequence of 9/11, my name is an irresistable target of mocking websites from overzealous Republican operatives. But also because the underlying struggle - between worlds of plenty and worlds of want; between the modern and the ancient; between those who embrace our teeming, colliding, irksome diversity, while still inisisting on a set of values that binds us together, and those who would seek, under whatever flag or slogan or sacred text, a certainty and simplification that justifies cruelty toward those not like us - is the struggle set forth, on a miniature scale, in this book.
I know, I have seen, the desperation and disorder of the powerless: how it twists the lives of children on the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi in much the same way it does the lives of children on Chicago's"
Jakarta.[15] From ages six to ten, Obama attended local Indonesian-language schools: St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School for two years and Besuki Public School for one and a half years, supplemented by English-language Calvert School homeschooling by his mother.

Reflecting later on his years in Honolulu, Obama wrote: "The opportunity that Hawaii offered-to experience a variety of cultures in a climate of mutual respect-became an integral part of my world view, and a basis for the values that I hold most dear.
Barry Obama decided that he didn't like his nickname. A few of his friends at Occidental College had already begun to call him Barack (his formal name), and he'd come to prefer that. The way his half sister, Maya, remembers it, Obama returned home at Christmas in 1980, and there he told his mother and grandparents: no more Barry. Obama recalls it slightly differently, but in the same basic time frame. He believes he told his mom he wanted to be called Barack when she visited him in New York the following summer.

Yet the poverty and corruption of Indonesia would come to instill "a relentless skepticism" in the child, he later wrote.

Keith Kakugawa was a close friend of Obama's at the Punahou School. (He appears in "Dreams" as a revised character named "Ray" who may be a composite of more than one Obama friend.)
Back in Hawaii in the 1970s, it could seem that everyone was some kind of a minority. The fact that Obama was half-black and half-white didn't matter much to anyone but Obama, Kakugawa says: "He made everything out like it was all racial." On one occasion, Obama thought he'd gotten a bad break on the school basketball team because he was black. But Kakugawa recalls his father's telling the teenager, "No, Barry, it's not because you're black. It's because you missed two shots in a row." (Here, Kakugawa's memory is different from Obama's. The Ray character in the book is the one obsessed with being discriminated against.)
I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect I was ingratiating myself to whites

To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy.
"With no known hate groups and a much-trumpeted spirit of aloha or tolerance, few people outside Hawaii realize the state has a racism issue. One reason: The tourism-dependent state barely acknowledges hate crimes. That makes it hard to know how often racial violence is directed at Caucasians, who comprise about 25% of the ethnically diverse state's 1.3 million residents."

'The last day of school has long been unofficially designated "Kill Haole Day," with white students singled out for harassment and violence. (Haole - pronounced how-lee - is slang for a foreigner, usually white, and sometimes is used as a racial slur.)"
"[C]ould I ask you whether you subscribe, as many of your predecessors have, to the school of American exceptionalism that sees America as uniquely qualified to lead the world"
"And so I see no contradiction between believing that America has a continued extraordinary role in leading the world towards peace and prosperity and recognizing that that leadership is incumbent, depends on, our ability to create partnerships because we create partnerships because we can’t solve these problems alone."
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