The War On Women, Rape Culture, a War on Truth -> An update on Mattress Girl

Feb 05, 2015 15:17

Remember Mattress Girl, the visual arts major who has been wandering around carrying a mattress as a guaranteed "A" senior thesis, titled "Mattress Performance" or "Carry That Weight" protesting her supposed rape? More information on that has come out. Count on the left wing "rape culture" pimps to ignore it or accuse those who expose it of supporting rape.

Even after the material below her remaining defenders say "there is no one way to react to trauma".
Here are some sure ways NOT to react to trauma -
2 days post violent anal rape: "because we still haven’t really had a paul-emma chill sesh since summmmerrrr"
13 days post violent anal rape: "whatever I want to see yoyououoyou"
2 months after violent anal rape, in response to birthday greeting: "I love you Paul.”

6 months later: Hey school, I was violently anally raped, lynch this man!

From the first link:
"The witch hunt against Nungesser, an exchange student from Germany, started in April when Sulkowicz filed a complaint - and two more girls then accused him of sexual violence - through with the help of his parents and a criminal attorney, he beat all charges at Columbia.
This despite the fact that he wasn’t allowed to provide the Facebook exchanges in the disciplinary process."

The accuser begs to see him for two months then says she loves him, he wasn't allowed to use that in his defense, and he still won.

"Self-proclaimed feminist blogger Julie Zeilinger wrote in Mic that Young’s article shows the 'disheartening ignorance regarding the realities of rape and survivorship,' such as victims’ continuing relationships with their attackers:
After her assault, Sulkowicz’s reaction was to seek a conversation with her rapist. 'I was upset and confused. … I wanted to have a talk with him to try to understand why he would hit me, strangle me and anally penetrate me without my consent,' she says. Sulkowicz’s response may not align with the perfect victim narrative, but it’s reflective of the fact that there is no one way to react to trauma.'
This is why so many survivors stay with their abusers; the cycle of abuse is complex, personal and ultimately unknowable to anyone aside from the survivors themselves."

In other words, despite this case, the Duke Rape case, The Tawana Brawley case, The Rolling Stone/VA case, no matter what a rape accuser does post-rape, and no matter how much time elapses, their word must be sacrosanct in expelling a man from a school, potentially putting him in jail, and marking him for the rest of his life as a sex offender.

Nothing says upset and confused like two months later saying "I love you Paul.” But 'rape culture' promoters do. not. care. Maybe we should educate rape victims on how to and not to react? Wouldn't that be healthier?

"Sulkowicz, Zeilinger and their cheerleaders have one goal in mind: Stop actual journalism and shame journalists into adopting their preferred narrative - in this case, as an end run around both the campus disciplinary system and the criminal justice system."

Columbia student’s alleged rapist contradicts narrative … with evidence
TheDailyBeast - Columbia Student: I Didn’t Rape Her

mattress girl, rape culture

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