It's not the "wage gape myth", it's the "wage gap LIE"

Dec 30, 2014 13:58

Let's be clear. It isn't a myth. It's a lie. It's a Narrative. Democrats know it's a lie and push it anyway.
Anyone exposed to this and still pushing it is *liar*. Recognize that fact and stop humoring it.

This comes from Huffington Post, far from a right wing site.

Here's the conclusion of the piece.
"It will not be not easy for the AAUW and its allies to abandon the idea of systemic gender injustice. AAUW officials are trying mightily to sustain the bad-news-for-women narrative. According to 'Graduating to a Pay Gap' publicity materials, 'The AAUW today released a new study showing that just one year out of college, millennial women are paid 82 cents for every dollar paid to their male peers. Women are paid less than men even when they do the same work and major in the same field.' Many journalists seem to have read and reported on the AAUW's press releases rather than its research.
That is the hype. Look at the numbers."

In other words they are lying for their agenda. When you see people do the same, show this to them and then know them for liars who do. not. care. They want power, not equality. That is always the Democrat agenda.

Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists

Part of the standard MO of leftist when evidence of their lies come out is to drown that truth in a sea of opposing studies then say, as a liberal recently bleated at me, "you only like the stats you like, not the consensus". They are liars, who do not care what the truth is.

A previous link I posted from Slate, The gender wage gap lie

wage disparity, feminism

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