In this link a Congresswoman using the Ferguson incident explains she doesn't actually know anything about the Ferguson case, and doesn't care, because what matters is her agenda. Watch the liberals go nuts when the simple truth of Ferguson is brought up. It has to be seen to be believed. Rich Lowry offers the simple truth and the leftists act like he defecated on the desk. Note how they immediately rush back on message. Again, the facts don't matter. From CNN - If you're white and don't realize you're racist you are broken: leftists gain more power I expect those who can't be "fixed" will eventually require a "final solution".
NYU Launches Group to Help ‘White Administrators’ Realize They’re Biased
"'In light of the recent Ferguson decision, I think it’s even more imperative for white administrators to understand their own power and privilege and how they can use that privilege to be good allies to people of color and to effect positive change,'"
You see, you must not only recognize you are privileged and racism because of the racist system, but you are also failing if you aren't constantly giving them free stuff because of race. And finally for something truly distressing. The following is an exchange with someone who identifies himself as conservative. If this is conservatism now, we're doomed. It is impossible to tell this racist double think and evasion from a leftist.
ConservativeBlackMan @Thomasismyuncle Dec 5
@BradThor Okay, like I said, my experience tells me differently, we'll leave it at that @Melvin_Udall_ @WOODROWNGUS Udall @Melvin_Udall_ Dec 5
@Thomasismyuncle If we disagree w/ video evidence we doubt "your experience"? With respect, kinda leftist. @BradThor @WOODROWNGUS
my experience as a 40 yr old blk man is different from urs, pls explain how's that's leftist thinking?
Melvin Udall
You're placing your ID w/a collective (race) above video/audio evidence. He says he won't be arrested. You wouldn't.
I don't place my ID w/ a collective, society does. I don't ignore evidence either. Non violent crime = non violent arrest imo
Melvin Udall
"Society" made you equate yourself ('my experience') w/a man *on tape* saying he will not be arrested & flailing? Case made
I didn't equate myself to him at anytime but for you to act as if society doesn't see color is ludicrous respectfully
Melvin Udall
This is ridiculous. "my experience as a 40 yr old blk man is different from urs" Do you resist arrest? Y/N. Simple question
U need to go back and read our convo, I never defended him resisting arrest. I argued against force on a non-violent criminal
Melvin Udall
"I argued against force on a non-violent criminal" != ""my experience as a 40 yr old blk man" Do you. Resist arrest. Y/N
Me? No, but WTH does that have to do with Garner? R u saying that resisting arrest = getting choked out?
Melvin Udall
So you do not resist arrest. Exactly. Meaning "my experience as a 40 yr old blk man" irrelevant, not related to Garner
my experience guides my thinking, why do find that hard to fathom? Why are u struggling with that? I'd really like to know.
Melvin Udall
*I'm* not struggling. You see a man resist arrest&think "my experience". I ask if you'd resist and you say you wouldn't.
reading into my words, I've never resisted arrest b4. But I am blk, n know what that brings with it, should I forget this?
Melvin Udall
I'm reading into your words bc we see man resisting arrest and I see resisting but you see "my experience". Orwellian.
Emily Adams @emnoel89
@Thomasismyuncle @Melvin_Udall_ nope. Your experiences can shed positive light on what we can do to build bridges and move forward.
Melvin Udall @Melvin_Udall_ 19h19 hours ago
@emnoel89 Weird. I never see a white guy resisting arrest and think "bridges". Also, the Sergeant spvsr was black. @Thomasismyuncle
Emily Adams @emnoel89 17h17 hours ago Georgia, US
@Melvin_Udall_ @Thomasismyuncle oh that's what we are talking about? Thought he referred to life experiences in general..
Melvin Udall @Melvin_Udall_ 17h17 hours ago
@emnoel89 Right. Wish we were. Progressivism has so poisoned us all that racism is OK if the right race now. JimCrow2.0 @Thomasismyuncle
Sir, that's because the world treats us differently or maybe u haven't noticed. It seems that some accept my... @emnoel89
... Conservative side, but would like me to forget that I'm blk? That won't happen ever. I am a proud blk man and.. @emnoel89
will never forget that. Ur being white has nothing to do w/ my being blk, life isn't color blind tho u seem to believe it is
Also, I'm no progressive, I argue for Cons 90% of the time but when I see wrong on either side, I will say it bottom line...
Cons aren't pure as the driven snow last time I checked. There are issues in the Garner situation some Cons just want to...
ignore for some reason and just once, I'd love for us to be on the side of the dead guy but some say he resisted, so choke..
him out? U've never been DWB or eyed like a criminal when you walk into a Macy's, that is my experience and I won't forget it