An important read. This is all something to remember throughout the next year, and in 2016.
"And if they do this, if they agree to a full omnibus budget on the Democrats' terms, obviously, the Democrats still run the Senate right now, so if they do a budget deal right now with the Democrats still running the show, it's gonna be a Democrat budget all the way through next September. The Republicans have just thrown away one of the two years they're guaranteed to have power. Does any of that make any sense to you?"
"Fox News, inside the Beltway, oh my, the Republicans might shut down the government. Do you realize what Chuck Todd's gonna say? Oh, do you realize what the New York Times editorial -- oh, my God, the Washington Post is gonna say about it, oh, geez, be worse than the school lunch lies, oh, gee. Don't shut down the government. Oh, my. It's better if the Democrats get everything they want. That's much better than us getting flack for shutting down the government.
But, remember, that meany, selfish, power mad egomaniac Ted Cruz is probably working with Sarah Palin behind the scenes, shut down the government last December, yeah. And the Republicans won in a landslide like 10 months later. Go figure."
Who argues what many Fox pundits and the GOP.establishment are who isn't complicit in the corruption or a fool?
"RUSH: By the way, there's another advantage to doing budgets by continuing resolution. A lot of people don't know this. I'm sure many of you in this audience do. But continuing resolutions prevent spending cuts. A continuing resolution is all about resolving to continue the spending to keep the government operating. Continuing resolutions mean that every department is automatically given the same amount of money as the year before, plus inflation along with the baseline increases that are built in. "
"And of course the Republicans, we're not gonna impeach, we're not gonna do that, and we're not gonna do a government shutdown. Why should they act like they lost? Why should the Democrats act like they lost the election?"
"RUSH: Okay. So Last night Gloria Borger points out: Hey, Republicans shut down the government last December, and they picked up like 12 seats in the House and they won control of the Senate. Wow, that government shutdown really hurt 'em. "
"But you're witnessing what fear and paranoia can do to people. Fear, paranoia, posttraumatic stress disorder all in combined impact on Republicans inside the Beltway."
I disagree. Corruption. Or cowardice. The same as most of the last 60 years of losing. McConnell did more to fight a conservative opponent in the primaries than he's ever done to fight a Democrat.
They are not the lesser of two evils. They are the same evil.
Watch this unfold. If the 2016 GOP candidate is approved by Boehner and McConnell, just vote Democrat.
Fox News to GOP: Don't Shut It Down!