This is what Putin used as his excuse to take Crimea and now the rest of Ukraine. We might want to become familiar with the term.
"Irredentism (from Italian irredento, "unredeemed") is any position of a state advocating annexation of territories administered by another state on the grounds of common ethnicity or prior historical possession, actual or alleged." While we're all preoccupied with Putin (who was promised "flexibility" by our President pre re-election) invading Ukraine along with the other disasters all under Obama's watch - Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq, ISIS - remember that Obama is about to sign amnesty for illegal immigrants...
"Irredentism is also expressed by some Mexican-American activists in the Reconquista movement. They call for the return of formerly Mexican-dominated lands in the Southwestern United States to Mexico. These lands were annexed by the US in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and became the present-day states of California, Nevada and Utah; and parts of Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico."
What happens when a 1/5 of Mexico's population is in the United States and they suddenly get to vote?