"Now, how does this happen? If less than 3% of the population is gay, how does 2.3% of the population end up dominating both the pop culture and political worlds? How does this happen? [...]
They couldn't do it alone. They're not large enough. There aren't enough. They do not, in strength and numbers alone, have any power whatsoever. So from where do they get their power? How do they derive it and how is it used and how is it implemented? And then how is that power used to persuade? And, by the way, not just persuade, but to effect real change?
Let's do it another way. What percentage of the population of this country self-identifies as conservative? The last I saw it was 35, 37%, something, might be 33. [...] So how is it that a combined 22% of the population has succeeded in relegating 37% of the population as the real minority, and not just a minority, but an extreme, wacko, insane, lunatic, you name it, minority?
How has it been possible? How has a genuine, I mean, a microscopic minority been able to flip things on a majority in practically everything? There's one common element that links all this, and it's the media."
How Gay is America? Not So Much Now, do I have a problem with gays? No. I don't care whose genitals you like. I despise leftists. And that's who makes up the gaystapo. They are using gays for the leftist agenda. It's sick and wrong.