Someone brought this up at work, then said that Arizona was backwards, like stuck in the 1950s. I considered that a statement of political bullying because it's wrong of the federal government to impose a huge cultural change on states where the majority of people oppose gay weddings, then turn around and have a small minority of loud mouth leftists call them backwards for not immediately embracing it. This is going to turn out to be counterproductive for gay people who want to be married because people are going to rebel more against this attitude than if gay people started with civil unions, then let public opinion swing their way slowly.
-But it's more about social engineering and riling up Christians than about 'marriage equality', otherwise they'd be fighting for marriage rights for other alternative lifestyles, like polyamorous and incestuous. Christians are the biggest force keeping us from European style socialism, so they have to fight to make gay weddings socially acceptable by making it not socially acceptable to be a Christian. I'd hope it won't work and people will fight back. After all, abortion has been legal for forty years, yet the majority of people think it's wrong, despite all the rhetoric about how you 'hate women and don't support reproductive health for women' if you are anti-abortion.
-But it's more about social engineering and riling up Christians than about 'marriage equality', otherwise they'd be fighting for marriage rights for other alternative lifestyles, like polyamorous and incestuous. Christians are the biggest force keeping us from European style socialism, so they have to fight to make gay weddings socially acceptable by making it not socially acceptable to be a Christian. I'd hope it won't work and people will fight back. After all, abortion has been legal for forty years, yet the majority of people think it's wrong, despite all the rhetoric about how you 'hate women and don't support reproductive health for women' if you are anti-abortion.
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