Behold the glory of green!
Solar Panels Frying Birds Along Major Migration Path "There are also thousands of birds killed by wind turbine farms throughout the country. This means that untold numbers of birds, some of them protected species, are being killed by green energy." - Courtesy
writerspleasure On the plus side, at least wind turbine are also killing all the bats.
Wind Turbines Blamed in Death of Estimated 600,000 Bats in 2012Just imagine the wonderful "green" world of Democrats, buzzing with an endless sea of insects.
B-b-but the genders are totally the same!
Women less likely to achieve orgasm during casual sex Imagine the damage done to generations. - Courtesy
writerspleasure This trailer killed me. And of course, I am on board with all the commentary.
Can Axe Cop save the future of America’s children? "Zero tolerance is the disease."
6 Charts That Show How The War On Fat Was A Gigantic Mistake "Studies conducted in the past few decades conclusively show that neither saturated fat nor dietary cholesterol cause harm in humans (1, 2, 3, 4). Scientists are now beginning to realize that the entire low-fat dogma was based on flawed studies that have since been thoroughly debunked."
The consensus kills again.
How Many Slaves Landed in the US? "And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That's right: a tiny percentage."
"Incredibly, most of the 42 million members of the African-American community descend from this tiny group"
How embarrassing.
CNN Throws In the Towel; Moves Away from News Once they really were the most trusted name in news. They leaned Left, which always means leaning ever further Left, and now they are a joke.
What George Clooney Can Teach Us About Climate Change "'What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?'"
"For someone who understands that affordable energy is a life and death issue, this does not translate into 'clean up the earth a little bit,' it translates into 'making life on earth hellish for billions.'”
"I’m singling him out because he is not particularly bad-his perspective is all-too-normal. Clooney is not acting as some free-thinking radical but a simple cipher for what he has picked up in our media and educational system. That system gives us no positive appreciation of energy, but it does give us a limitless capacity to spout"
Fascinating! This is real "green". Not hatred and ludditism. Thinking and innovation.
This Radioactive Element Could Power the Planet "He believes a thorium turbine about the size of an air conditioning unit could more provide cheap power for whole restaurants, hotels, office buildings, even small towns"
"'The radiation that we develop off of one of these things can be shielded by a single sheet off of aluminum foil,' Stevens said. 'You will get more radiation from one of those dental X-rays than this.'"