Links I should've posted earlier and you should read

Sep 21, 2013 22:07

Excellent piece: Gun control is not the answer

9 Potential Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By Someone With A Personally Owned Firearm

There is no liberal media. CNN Anchor: I Can't Remember a Mass Shooting on a Military Base "CNN anchor Carol Costello doesn't recall the horror of the Ft. Hood shooting carried out by Islamic radical Nidal Hasan"

Military’s background check system failed to block gunman with a history of arrests
The scum that are the left are now blaming this on not having government do the checks. Because, you know, government is efficient and accountable.

AR-15: Anti-Gun Narrative Blows Up In Face of CNN, Daily News Of course, they don't care about accuracy. The point was to get the Narrative out. Why?...

Obama calls for gun control in wake of Navy Yard shooting It's not gangs. It's not mental illness. Nope. It's the objects they don't like.

FLASHBACK: Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco
So when he says this, listen:
Barney Frank: We Lost Money on Obama's Auto Bailout But Made Money on Bush's Bank Bailout

immigration. Our Authoritarian regime. D.C. Blows Off Obamacare Illegal Alien Insurance Ban "Though Obamacare prohibits subsidizing health insurance for those living the United States illegally local officials near the nation’s capital are offering illegal aliens coverage through a new insurance exchange created to comply with the law.

Since this it appears Opposing #DefundObamacare out of Fear "Well apologies again, but this may just be part of the process. It’s time to take our medicine, people. As I said on twitter yesterday, when we’ve reached the point where each election is so insurmountably important that we must defy our own principles in order to secure election to 'survive to the next fight' then we may need to re-evaluate. This is the electoral equivalent of living paycheck to paycheck"

Don’t defund Obamacare - repeal it. The opposing view. I disagree, but it's the best argument of its kind I've seen.

Rush Limbaugh Explodes While Outlining the GOP’s ‘All-Out Assault on Ted Cruz’

Warren Buffett Opposed Obamacare When Warren Buffett proposed higher taxes on millionaires in 2011, the media gushed and fawned giving him and his views airtime as if Elvis Presley returned from the dead.
Will they be as fascinating by the Oracle of Omaha stating that ObamaCare should be scrapped?"

Kim Jong O: Obama Asked About Obamacare’s Tanking Approval Numbers: “Yes,” “Everybody Is Wrong”…

This is how ridiculous the left is. They argue 1) that a government shutdown is anarchy. It isn't. The government shuts down on most holidays. 2) That if the GOP funds everything but Obamacare and Dear Leader vetoes, then it's Republicans' fault. They aren't just wrong. They are dangerous. The March to Anarchy

gun control, barney frank

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