This is a thing of beauty. There is just so much truth.
Manhood 101 for feminists "Feminists are at it again, demonstrating they are equal to men in strength and independence - by damseling themselves, threatening to cry and faint and never step up to prove their equalness again if men don’t start protecting them from harsh words typed from behind anonymous screen names on the interwebs."
"Once again, they need men to clear the way, not of wild beasts or indigenous savages or foreign attackers, but of misfits and teenagers with laptops and low social IQs. Only when this scurrilous plague is extirpated can this brand of woman prove she can do anything men can do, and do it in better, and do it heels.
Feminist woman has so much to say; so many emotions to emote, and she will stand behind it all like Joan of Arc, as long as there are men around to shut anyone up who gives her a hard time. Or who disagrees with her. Or who might look a little creepy."
"what I like to call Watson’s Law. This is the principle that social power and dominance for feminist women as a class is roughly equal to a manufactured crisis multiplied by the energy expended by obsequious men to charge in and fix it."
"Some of our memes were removed for violating community feminist standards. Not for being rapey-beaty, or even misogynistic, but for dissenting from the feminist narrative.
Such is where this kind of thing always, always ends up. Expect more of Watson’s Law to govern a website or public organization near you."
"And this is what almost all of the so called threats were like. There were a few comments, very few, that could be considered actual threats. "
"But again, the real question here is what these comments, many of them in very bad taste and indicative of underdeveloped minds, actually represent. I think I have the answer to that.
It is Watson’s Other Law.
Watson’s Other Law is loosely related to its predecessor. Fifty years of bashing and marginalizing men plus eradicating healthy masculine influence in the lives of our boys equals a class of feral, directionless young men with no moral compass[...]
The males produced by Watson’s Other Law are somewhat of a problem faced by feminists, which is ironic since it was feminism that created them.
It is what happens when fathers are taken out of the picture. It is what happens when you marginalize and intellectually, emotionally, legally and politically savage young men who have had the masculine values of self-control and composure gutted from the society in which they live."
"Like I said, masculinity is the solution. Only now these women will have to find their own and internalize it, because the freeware has expired. Blue pill men are too weak, and red pill men are too apathetic. Time to make like a real feminist and man up, ladies."
The Interrupt Rule "There is a great opportunity here for a child to show respect and honor to their elders by properly knowing how to interrupt a conversation.[...]
Here’s how it works: When two adults are talking and a child needs to interrupt, they simply put their hand on their parents arm or shoulder. The child waits patiently without speaking."
"By maintaining contact, the parent knows the child has a need. The parent can touch their child’s hand to acknowledge its presence."
In other words, touch me while I'm involved in something because you want my immediate attention, and I will give some immediate positive feedback to thank you for not entirely interrupting me. Are you kidding me?!? Unless the kid is autistic... no.
Allow me to offer The Dad Interrupt Rule:
Stand and politely wait within sight. Touching people because you want their attention is ill advised. You may say "excuse me" during a pause, then wait. Otherwise the answer is no and I might ground you or put you to work, because clearly you were challenged as to productive use of your time. At no time should you expect my immediate positive feedback because life will never, never ever, offer the same.
(With special love, to Democrats and