Links I should've posted and you should read

Jul 01, 2013 18:16

Repost, after seeing this lie continued: Fact vs. fiction on background checks and the gun control debate "Start with the 40 percent figure. That number comes from a very small study covering purchases during 1991 to 1994. Not only is that two decades-old data, but it covered sales before the federal Brady Act took effect on February 28, 1994"

Los Angeles Public Schools Train Students as Obamacare Missionaries 37 million, so far, for leftist teachers to train an Nazi youth Obamacare division.

Obamacare Hits Hollywood: Studios Brace for the Affordable Care Act

Apparently it's not racist in Africa. WH Touts Kenyan Program to Obtain National ID Cards for Voter Registration

Good going Rubio. The hits keep coming. Illegal immigrants who commit crimes face lesser punishment than U.S. citizens

The Worst Piece of Legislation in American History

The ONLY thing this is about - Know who wants Republicans to pass immigration reform? Major Republican donors

Why Liberals Should Oppose the Immigration Bill It's about low-wage American workers

Good for them. I don't. Why I still love Marco Rubio

Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Freedom, Fundamentally at Odds

WH climate advisor: 'A war on coal is exactly what's needed'

‘Climate Change’ and the ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’

Good site for following the lynching... I mean trial George Zimmerman Trial

‘Future lawsuit’: CNN broadcasts George Zimmerman’s Social Security number

AHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA! Chris Hayes And Linguistics Expert Break Down Rachel Jeantel’s ‘Articulate’ Use Of Black English

This: Laura Ingraham Gores Jeantel Defenders: Liberals ‘Fall All Over Themselves To Excuse’ Inexcusably Bad Behavior By Blacks

Five Facts The Media Aren't Telling You About the Texas Abortion Filibuster

No longer free America. This is insanity. But this is what happens with ever expanding law enforcement. College Student Arrested & Thrown in Jail After Buying…Bottled Water

Lawless America: Three Ways Leftists Have Undermined The Rule of Law This Week

Thomas Sowell turns 83: Tweeters offer quotable ‘national treasure’ birthday wishes

black culture, gun control, sowell, race baiting, trayvon

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