(It would've been for ST Patrick's Day, but LJ gave me trouble logging in. I shouldn't so lazy about starting a wordpress blog.)"No, the world ISN'T getting warmer (as you may have noticed). Now we reveal the official data that's making scientists suddenly change their minds about climate doom. So will eco-funded MPs stop waging a green crusade
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They tried this shit 20 years ago, only then it was global cooling that we were supposed to fear. There were even supposedly serious proposals to detonate nukes under the ice, or cover the poles with graphite to speed the melting. Then, it was all those aerosols pouring from auto exhausts and factory chimneys reflecting all that solar warmth back into space that were gonna do us in.
They failed then. They failed now. What will they try next? Leftoids are like that old cartoon, Pinky and the Brain. The Brain always failed by the end of the episode, but was back in the next with another brilliant plan to take over the world.
Unlike the Goreacle™ the Brain never got filthy, filthy rich, didn't win an Academy Award, didn't send thousands of jobs overseas, didn't cost the taxpayers $BILLIONS (hundreds). Our "victories" over the left tend to be Pyrrhic. We win! Yeay! So when do we get a refund for all those unnecessary taxes? When is the Algore™ forced to reimburse all those he fleeced by selling them carbon credits they never needed to buy in the first place? When do all those jobs come home? We all know before we ask, don't we?
As for "scientists", I have always said that science works despite scientists, not because of them. The most "brilliant" scientists of the 19th century spent literally a lifetime opposing new developments from Rowan Hamilton and James Maxwell, Poincare, Fitzgerald, and many others. That cost us damn near a century of progress. It took a high school science teacher (Wilhelm Roentgen) and a Swiss patent clerk (Albert Einstein) to finally break through that logjam. Even as late as the 1920s, it came down to one vote to accept or reject Louis DeBroglie's doctoral thesis. Had the vote gone the other way to send him back to Physics 101, the entire basis for the development of solid state electronics would have gone right out the window.
These folks deserve much, much, much less respect than they get, and "peer reviewed" is no license to stop thinking for yourself.
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