Modern Manliness and the Perpetual State of Low Expectations " Despite the fact I’ve always been considered-mostly by myself-to be 'manly,' the direction I was heading in, and vision I was heading toward, was one that men of my grandpa’s generation would rightfully shun and publicly shame."
AN exceptional retort to all the shitheads who keep saying Republicans will win if they just move farther left.
GOP's Path Back to Power: Nominate Obama in 2016 It is unacceptable and disgusting that so many elected representatives can't respond like this. AGain, this is why Newt should have been the candidate.
Newt Gingrich Smacks Down WaPo's Ruth Marcus: 'This Is Just Such Washington Nonsense' FLASHBACK: What did Chuck Schumer think about high gas prices under Bush?
The text of the letter to President Bush "Dear Mr. President: [...] Your administration has shown a disregard for the pain these high prices are inflicting on American families. At the same time, your administration has coddled Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) nations whose actions are a major factor in this crisis." Weird. Nothing to say about POTUS now.
If you hadn't heard, SE Cupp stupidly attacked Rush Limbaugh. If you're interested, the following is her bullshit, liberalesque distraction piece to "bravely" respond to criticism
I won't be Rushed Boo hoo, she's such a victim.
"As for the gentleman on Twitter who dared me to cite an example [that may have been yours truly], I’m happy to. If calling Sandra Fluke a 'slut' last year for her position on contraception wasn’t the epitome of “crazy and stupid and dangerous,” allow me to explain the obvious"
Miss Cupp need not, as she's dead wrong. Her explanation of the obvious in no way justified her gratuitous drive-by of Rush.
This is the other flaw in her defense
S.E. Cupp, Straw Men, and Missing the Point About Rush Limbaugh. "Again, the quote as it came from the Times told a different story and Cupp, for some reason, chose not to highlight that difference." "That’s not an example of crafting our messages through the fire of disagreement & debate. That’s more like what one would do when targeting enemies and calling for triangulation of fire. This is not how we talk about our friends. And it is most especially not how we talk about our friends to our enemies.
And that’s the point that Cupp misses even as she explains herself."
You probably heard all this nonsense last week. If not, brace yourself for stunning Democrat stupidity:
Colorado Democrat: Women Don’t Need Guns If They ‘Feel Like They’re Going To Be Raped’ *UPDATED "While arguing for the disarmament of college students, Salazar says that even if women feel like they’re going to be raped, they may not, so who needs a firearm for protection?" And if you are raped, just pee. Or take it. But anything but a gun.
Disarming American Women "The Left’s weapon of choice against rapists: pens, urine, vomit, tears."
Don’t Worry Your Pretty Little Head Over Being Raped, Princess Screw the suggestion of this asshole. But what they are doing with the printers is fascinating.
3-D Printing Pioneer Wants Government to Restrict Gunpowder, Not Printable Guns Having read this I immediately suggested they start sharing parts for high air powered rifles.
This is Democrat "equality":
Heterosexuals Need Not Apply: DOD Extends Benefits Only to Gay Unmarried ‘Partners’ The left will never stop. That's what too many don't get.
TEACHERS. It's all about the children, they swear.
NY Teachers Union Suing State Over Property Tax Cap After an exchange with a NYT reporter I found they are at least partially covering Fast and Furious.
A Family Pulled Into the Fray Over an Agent’s Death I corrected the reporter's gross mischaracterization of F&F. We'll see what happens going forward.
:51 video -
The Obama Sequester: He Was For It, Before He Was Against It All lies, all the time. And the sheep accept it.
Excellent Greg Gutfeld monologue:
Greg Gutfeld to Chuck Todd: Denying media bias is ‘like denying science’ RUSH: Why Is Krugman Allowed to Talk About Death Panels But Palin Isn’t? "death panels and sales taxes is how we do this.”
Crony socialism.
GM boosting sales through failing subprime auto loans It crashed the economy when the left did it with houses. Now they have Government Motors doping it with cars. What could go wrong?