So much good stuff stuck in a link dump...

Aug 13, 2012 15:38

Why ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Resonates "I agree with David Frum that the most toxic part of the speech is Barack Obama talking about the sources of success:
'I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.
Really? The president is always struck by people who take credit for their own successes? "
"People are rightly unnerved by an argument that amounts to 'we can tax you because you didn’t deserve this anyway.' Faced with such an argument, defending your own contribution to your success isn’t just a point of pride -- it’s an argument you must make to defend the principle that you are entitled to your own private property."

Revenge Of The Zeros: The Battle Between Ayn Rand And Collectivism Reaches A Climax "The audience for this moral vandalism is anyone who, deep down, knows he is a slacker, coasting through his days by mimicking others rather than thinking, getting by rather than achieving, existing rather than living. [...]
It’s bad enough to be a parasite, but it really turns ugly when the parasites deny the existence of those whose blood they are feeding off, when they take over what others built while snarling that the others didn’t build it. It makes one embarrassed to be in the same species with creatures having this psychology."

You Will Be Assimilated An excellent piece on how Liberal media comes about, and how to avoid it. "I'm not a journalist, but I do know that when you enter an enormous, shifting system single-mindedly dedicated to beguiling you into surrendering your values and assimilating you, you have to do more than assure yourself you'll practice good journalism. "

Federal Court finds Obama appointees interfered with New Black Panther prosecution "But United States District Court Judge Reggie Walton disagreed. Citing a 'series of emails' between Obama political appointees and career Justice lawyers, Walton writes:
'The documents reveal that political appointees within DOJ were conferring about the status and resolution of the New Black Panther Party case in the days preceding the DOJ’s dismissal'" Lawless, racist, liars.

Global climate warming change. New study shows half of the global warming in the USA is artificial Judge for yourself.

Gutsy call! Book bombshell: Obama canceled Bin Laden ‘kill’ raid three times at Jarrett’s urging The one thing he did right he tried not to do, and at the urging of his handler Valerie Jarrett.

By Ann Coulter. Read how Obama rose to power. Short answer: smearing opponents. OBAMA'S SIGNATURE MOVE: UNSEALING PRIVATE RECORDS "Democrats aren't going to find any personal dirt on the clean-cut Mormon, so they need complicated tax filings going back decades in order to create the illusion of scandal out of boring financial records." That is ENTIRELY what the 'just show his taxes' argument is about. Nothing more.
Meanwhile - Obama's first act as President EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 banning release of any of his records? Transparency!

EVIDENCE BROADENS OBAMA NATURAL BORN CONSPIRACY "Democrat members of Congress made no less than eight (8) attempts in twenty-two (22) months, to either eliminate the natural-born requirement, or redefine natural-born"

Barry Soetoro, the Invisible Man "In sum and substance, Mr. Root speculates that Barry Soetoro was accepted and attended Columbia University as a foreign exchange student [...] paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships awarded due to his citizenship status"
"Yet, instead of demanding accountability on Soetoro/Obama’s Columbia records and all of the sealed records behind the man himself to determine allegiance, the best that conservatives in power, behind the microphone or behind the TV cameras have done is to turn what should be a national security issue into a Republican presidential strategy."
If someone says "birther" say "screw you". There are legitimate questions to be asked about the PRESIDENT'S deliberately hidden life. Tell other non-liberals to ask.

White House Wants Defense Contractors to Keep Quiet About Job Cuts Until After Election "That puts the notices to employees of defense contractors, notifying them that Christmas won’t be merry this year, in their hands on about November 2. The election is November 6. [...]
But never fear, the Department of Socialist Labor has the President’s back. Here’s the report from the Washington Times:"

Napolitano Admits Terrorists Enter America Through Mexican Border "So while ordinary citizens are frisked and molested at airports, terrorists are instead coming in through America's southern border, and they could potentially be aided by the Mexican drug cartels. Thanks to the gunwalking scheme Operation Fast & Furious, the drug cartels have been provided [...] weapons by our own government."

New Film May Place Napolitano Back in the Hot Seat "'What bothers me, quite frankly, are the allegations made against anyone who happens to be Muslim.' Checkmate!
But this particular tussle is far from finished. Gohmert already had legitimate concerns about the Napolitano-appointed Elibiary, a man who has a history of Islamist radicalism and who took advantage of his DHS security clearance to download classified files. A newly-released documentary will make Napolitano’s appointment even more troubling: Elibiary, it seems, is tied to one of the most radical imams in America"

The Hysteria In Mexico Caused By Fast & Furious "A few days later the police had a shoot out with cartel members, arrested eight of them, and seized sixteen weapons. Two AK-47s were linked to Fast & Furious, but ATF Acting Attache Carlos Canino was not allowed to inform the Mexican government of the connection."
"While America has been damaged by Fast & Furious, it's nothing compared to Mexico. 1,000+ guns are still missing, and until they're found the Mexican drug cartels will continue to use them to wreak havoc on Mexico."

Priebus: Harry Reid is a “dirty liar” "Do you think that Harry Reid’s a dirty liar?” an amused Stephanopolus asked Priebus moments after his blunt attack.
'I just said it,' Priebus said matter-of-factly." This is how all non-Liberals should be.

Obama distorts facts in effort to expand welfare state "Obama's July HHS memo invites states to apply for waivers that change the 'definitions of work activities' to better meet 'the work goals' of welfare reform. [...} This is exactly the type of administrative discretion that welfare reform was designed to prevent.
On Obama's second point, Romney did sign a letter in 2005 supporting a Senate bill -- the PRIDE Act -- that would have granted the HHS secretary authority to issue waivers [...]
But the waiver authority that their letter asked for in no way ended welfare reform's mandatory work requirements."
But, you know, just lie. Democrats in media and everywhere else will shamelessly repeat what they're told to repeat.

Speaking of... WaPo Fact Checker Goes Full-Orwell: Facts Earn Pinocchios to Protect Obama "For criticizing Obama in these four areas, Kessler awards two Pinocchios to both the Romney campaign and The Emergency Committee for Israel. In other words, Kessler calls them liars for stating FACTS."

Dodd-Frank Burden Tracker "The Financial Services Committee unveiled the Dodd-Frank Burden Tracker, an online resource to help the public keep track of all the new government rules and red tape required by the Dodd-Frank Act.

Dodd-Frank, passed by Congress in 2010, mandates that government regulators write over 400 new rules and requirements that will be imposed on the private sector. Since the law was signed by President Obama in July 2010, the Dodd-Frank Burden Tracker reveals:
regulators have written 224 of the 400 rules; these 224 rules consume 7,365 pages; it will take private sector job-creators 24,180,856 hours every year to comply with these first 224 Dodd-Frank rules." Now why oh why would business (and so JOB) growth slow?

Voter ID and voter fraud aren't real problems, right? Did Felons Elect Al Franken To Senate? Short answer: yes.
"An 18-month study conducted by Minnesota Majority, a conservative watchdog group, found that at least 341 felons voted illegally in the 2008 Senate race between Franken [...] The final recount vote in the race, determined six months after Election Day, showed Franken beat Coleman by 312 votes." We all know which way felons vote, which is one of the reasons why Democrats don't want them held back from voting w/ pesky things like ID reqs.

fastandfurious, black panthers, liberal media, ann coulter, youdidntbuildthat, birthers, climate change

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