The Daily Show - The Daily Shill? - The Daily Socialist?

May 25, 2012 09:57

How many times have you had lying or delusional Leftists mock or deny that Jon Stewart or The Daily Show are left leaning? Thanks to Newsbusters and Daily Caller, guide them to the following link of Stewart in his own words.

They will still deny it, of course. They've spent three years proving beyond doubt that facts do not matter to them. Leftists are a cult, a dangerous cult that will do anything to conrol others.

"Larry King Live, December 15, 2000" video- “I think I would say I’m more of a socialist”
"The other day, Roger Ailes claimed that Jon Stewart once admitted to being a socialist while they were drinking in a bar. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. 'How dare that wingnut say such a thing?'"

"Sorry, lefties. If you want to bring up Jon Stewart’s CNN appearances to slam my boss, that’s fine, but you also have to accept this one. Jon Stewart is a socialist. Now that you can no longer deny it, get set to switch gears and dismiss it as no big deal." He knows them all too well.

Read it how you want, but that exchange says to me Stewart is a FAR Leftist. When King says he thinks Stewart is a Democrat, Stewart agrees, then clarifies he's "more of a socialist, independent". There is no other way to read that than that Stewart thinks Democrats are not far Left enough. What's the word reprobate Leftists use for conservatives or Libertarians who feel the Republican Party doesn't think enough like them? I remember: "extremist".

daily show, jon stewart, the daily show

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