Murdergate update

Mar 20, 2012 12:28

Holder's Brainwashing Against Guns Foreshadowed Operation Fast and Furious "On December 7, 2011, CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson (who is the only one in the mainstream media faithfully reporting this story) shared documents proving that the motive behind Operation Fast & Furious was to implement harsher gun regulations.
Ms. Attkisson reported that Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) officials within the DOJ discussed using the illegal gun sales to justify 'Demand Letter 3,' which would require some gun shops to report the sales of multiple rifles or long guns."
"Several leading Democrats continued to press for gun control. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) suggested the government use Fast & Furious as an example of why there should be tighter gun control laws during the November 1, 2011 testimony of Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer. She blamed lax gun laws for Fast & Furious, not the ATF."

I can't tell if Sharyl Attkisson is stupid or a shill. She tweeted "Prime gunwalking suspect was held by ATF but released, documents show" linking to this article Prime gunwalking suspect was held by ATF but released, documents show "The prime suspect in the botched gun trafficking investigation known as 'Fast and Furious' --" blah blah blah.
Op Fast and Furious, and Holder's obstruction of justice since, should take down a presidency even if it was botched. But that doesn't matter because it WASN'T botched! Fast and furious did exactly as planned. It gave guns to cartels so they could murder and leave American guns at crime scenes.

Holder in 1995: ‘Really brainwash people’ to be anti-gun "The revelation that Holder wanted to “brainwash” people into being “anti-gun” appears to be supported by what Congress and the American people have learned about Operation Fast and Furious."
"And on Sunday another sign of Holder’s anti-gun advocacy surfaced when the blog The Right Scoop published excerpts from a Washington Post op-ed Holder wrote shortly after 9/11, in which he used the terrorist attacks as a rationale to push for more gun control laws."

Media Matters Knows Their Readers Are Stupid: Eric Holder Edition "If you’ve been following the Fast and Furious scandal, it is pretty easy to see how this philosophy, first verbalized in 1995, was applied to the gunwalking scheme in 2009. In fact, it takes extra effort to pretend there is no obvious connection to the concept Holder laid out and the actions of his DOJ under Obama.
That’s where Media Matters comes in.
Matt Gertz throws his hands up in the air and breathlessly claims that Holder was talking about gun violence in DC."
"Matt is hoping most of the dullards who take him seriously won’t actually watch the video and assume it is “selectively edited.” Anyone who watches the video knows what the video is about."
Here the author errs. As any of us who've interacted with the Leftists especially here on LJ know, they'll watch the video and come to whatever conclusion their masters have told them to.

The Vetting: Holder, Fast and Furious, and Gun Control
"We can never forget the speech Holder himself gave in Mexico as Attorney General in April 2009. In it, he focused Americans’ attention on the violence already present on our border, and talked of using Project Gunrunner-a project built on the gun running tactics he claims he knew nothing about-to “break the backs” of the Mexican cartel:"

Gun-tracking operation caught top suspect, let him go "Seven months after federal ATF agents launched the ill-fated Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation, they stumbled upon their main suspect in a remote Arizona outpost on the Mexican border"
"Why the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives did not arrest Celis-Acosta immediately is not clear. He was their prime suspect and the subject of secret wiretaps approved by the Department of Justice."
How is it not clear at this point if this isn't a cover up?

fast and furious

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