At best the most incompetent administration in history. "What Obama administration officials, including the president, knew or didn't know about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives' 2009 Operation Fast and Furious has little to do with what they should have known.
Attorney General Holder, Secretary Clinton, President Obama, and Secretary Napolitano each declared that he or she did not know about Fast and Furious until 2011. But what should they have known about a federal program that eventually led to mass murder?"
"Let the proof speak for itself. Here are some of the main characters and their parts in the plot."
Even Before Fast and Furious, They Had Guns on Their Minds BREAKING: Confessions of Perjury Inside DOJ "Today, PJ Media breaks a bombshell that an employee in the federal Department of Justice (DOJ) Voting Section, where I used to work, has admitted to lying three times under penalty of perjury during a DOJ Inspector General’s investigation."
"These latest revelations about perjury inside the Voting Section at DOJ shouldn’t surprise anyone who has been paying attention."
The thugocracy's "feed the children" scam.
Michelle Obama’s Unsavory School Lunch Flop "While the Obama administration has showered the nation’s second-largest school district with nutrition awards, thousands of students voted with their upset tummies and abandoned the program. A forbidden-food black market - stoked not just by students, but also by teachers - is now thriving. Moreover, '(p)rincipals report massive waste, with unopened milk cartons and uneaten entrees being thrown away.'
This despite a massive increase in spending on nutritional improvements - from $2 million to $20 million alone in the last five years on fresh produce."
"There are 400,000 workers who prepare and serve lunch to American schoolchildren. SEIU represents tens of thousands of those workers and is trying to unionize many more at all costs.
In L.A., the district’s cafeteria fund is $20 million in the hole thanks to political finagling by SEIU Local 99."
Waste, corruption, massive deficits, all for their union allies or to create dependency in the populace. This is the best Democrats have to offer. Anything they do "for the" [victim group] is for power.
The Occupy Movement Distracted Americans From the Real Crisis: White Collar Crime "I don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for many of the people working on Wall Street these days, but the Occupy movement’s decision to solely target the private sector for financial corruption only distracted Americans from the real financial crisis - white collar crime.
According to recent Securities Exchange enforcement actions and news reports, financial corruption is also coming from government sponsored agencies and even Congress"
"Unfortunately, the Occupy movement did not represent the 99 percent of us who just want to see ethical and fair capitalism. Instead, it attracted hostile communists, anarchists and criminals. As a result, nothing that was done at Occupy protests empowered the people. It only hurt people, and that’s literally speaking."
Exactly as designed. Owned by the Left, lock stock and barrel.
"The Occupy movement has empowered Wall Street corruption by giving America something to fear more than the white collar criminals robbing us blind-the street protestor turned violent, endangering innocent women and children."
I have not yet bothered to fisk or even read this. But for any interested:
OWS and a New Common Sense And now some voices of reason:
The 50 Best Political Quotes For 2011 (Third Annual)15) Life has many good things. The problem is that most of these good things can be gotten only by sacrificing other good things. We all recognize this in our daily lives. It is only in politics that this simple, common sense fact is routinely ignored. - Thomas Sowell